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Publication date: 11/29/2021

Model Fit Options

The Model Fit red triangle menu contains the following options:

Percent Variation Plots

Adds two plots entitled Percent Variation Explained for X Effects and Percent Variation Explained for Y Effects. These show stacked bar charts representing the percent variation explained by each extracted factor for the Xs and Ys.

Variable Importance Plot

Plots the VIP values for each X variable. VIP scores appear in the Variable Importance Table. See Variable Importance Plot.

VIP vs Coefficients Plots

Plots the VIP statistics against the model coefficients. You can show only those points corresponding to your selected Ys. Additional labeling options are provided. There are plots for both the centered and scaled data and the original data. See VIP vs Coefficients Plots.

Set VIP Threshold

Sets the threshold level for the Variable Importance Plot, Variance Importance Table, and the VIP vs Coefficients Plots.

Coefficient Plots

Plots the model coefficients for each response across the X variables. You can show only those points corresponding to your selected Ys. There are plots for both the centered and scaled data and the original data.

Loading Plots

Plots X and Y loadings for each extracted factor. There are separate plots for the Xs and Ys.

Loading Scatterplot Matrices

Shows scatterplot matrices of the X loadings and the Y loadings.

Correlation Loading Plot

Shows either a single scatterplot or a scatterplot matrix of the X and Y loadings overlaid on the same plot. When you select the option, you specify how many factors you want to plot.

If you specify two factors, a single correlation loading scatterplot appears. Select the two factors that define the axes beneath the plot. Click the right arrow button to successively display each combination of factors on the plot.

If you specify more than two factors, a scatterplot matrix appears with a cell for pair of factors up to the number that you selected.

In both cases, use check boxes to control labeling.

X-Y Score Plots

Includes the following options:

Fit Line

Shows or hides a fitted line through the points on the X-Y Scores Plots.

Show Confidence Band

Shows or hides 95% confidence bands for the fitted lines on the X-Y Scores Plots.

Score Scatterplot Matrices

Shows a scatterplot matrix of the X scores and a scatterplot matrix of the Y scores. Each X score scatterplot displays a 95% confidence ellipse, which can be used for outlier detection. For statistical details about the confidence ellipses, see Confidence Ellipses for X Score Scatterplot Matrix.

Distance Plots

Shows plots of the following:

the distance from each observation to the X model

the distance from each observation to the Y model

a scatterplot of distances to both the X and Y models

In a good model, both X and Y distances are small, so the points are close to the origin (0,0). Use the plots to look for outliers relative to either X or Y. If a group of points clusters together, then they might have a common feature and could be analyzed separately. When a validation set or a validation and test set are in use, separate reports are provided for these sets and for the training set.

T Square Plot

Shows a plot of T2 statistics for each observation, along with a control limit. An observation’s T2 statistic is calculated based on that observation’s scores on the extracted factors. For more information about the computation of T2 and the control limit, see T2 Plot.

Diagnostics Plots

Shows diagnostic plots for assessing the model fit. Four plot types are available: Actual by Predicted Plot, Residual by Predicted Plot, Residual by Row Plot, and a Residual Normal Quantile Plot. Plots are provided for each response. When a validation set or a validation and test set are in use, separate reports are provided for these sets and for the training set.


Shows a profiler for each Y variable.

Spectral Profiler

Shows a single profiler where all of the response variables appear in the first cell of the plot. This profiler is useful for visualizing the effect of changes in the X variables on the Y variables simultaneously.

Save Columns

Includes options for saving various formulas and results. See Save Columns.

Remove Fit

Removes the model report from the main platform report.

Make Model Using VIP

Opens and populates a launch window with the appropriate responses entered as Ys and the variables whose VIPs exceed the specified threshold entered as Xs. Performs the same function as the button in the VIP vs Coefficients for Centered and Scaled Data report. See VIP vs Coefficients Plots.

Model Driven Multivariate Control Chart for Saved X Scores

Saves the formulas for each X Score and launches the Model Driven Multivariate Control Chart (MDMCC) launch window. In the MDMCC launch window, the score formulas are assigned as the process columns. You can add or remove processes, add a time ID, or set where historical data ends before clicking OK. See Model Driven Multivariate Control Charts in Quality and Process Methods.

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