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Publication date: 11/29/2021

Tabulate Script-Only Messages

The following messages for a Tabulate object are available only in JSL:

tabulate_object << Add Table( ... );
tabulate_object << Change Item Label( ... );
tabulate_object << Display Column Width( ... );
tabulate_object << Modify Table( ... );
tabulate_object << Order by Count( ... );
tabulate_object << Plot Scale( min, max );
tabulate_object << Remove Column Label( Grouping Columns( column ) );
tabulate_object << Restore Column Label( Grouping Columns( column ) );
tabulate_object << Set Format( ... );
tabulate_object << Test Build( Sample Size( number ) );
tabulate_object << Test Data View;
tabulate_object << Uniform plot scale( 0|1 );
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