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Publication date: 11/10/2021

Design Role Example

The experiment in the Odor Control sample data table studies the effect of three factors on odor. You designed the 15-run experiment and it was conducted. However, when the results were reported to you, you learned that the experiment was conducted over three days. The first 5 runs were conducted on Day 1, the second 5 runs on Day 2, and the remaining 5 runs on Day 3.

Since variations in temperature and humidity might have an effect on the response, you want to include Day as a random blocking factor. It is easy to add a column for Day to the design table. But you want to use the Evaluate Design platform to compare the design with the unexpected block to your original design. You also want the ability to use the Augment Design platform in case you need to augment the design. To use the Evaluate Design and Augment Design platforms, you need to add the Design Role column property to your new Day column.

1. Select Help > Sample Data Library and open Odor Control

2. Select the first column, Run.

3. Select Cols > New Columns.

4. Next to Column Name, type Day.

5. From the Initialize Data list, select Sequence Data.

6. Enter the following:

1 for From

3 for To

1 for Step

5 for Repeat each value N times

7. Next to Number of columns to add, type 1.

Figure A.11 Completed New Columns Window 

Completed New Columns Window

8. Click OK.

The Day column is added as the second column in the data table.

9. Select the Day column.

10. Select Cols > Column Info.

11. From the Column Properties list, select Design Role.

12. In the Design Role panel, click Continuous and select Random Block.

13. Click OK.

In the columns panel, an asterisk appears next to Day.

14. Click the asterisk next to Day to verify that the Design Role column property has been assigned.

15. Close the Odor Control sample data table without saving the changes.

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