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Fitting Linear Models > Multivariate Response Models > Example of a Multiple Response Model
Publication date: 11/10/2021

Example of a Multiple Response Model

This example uses the Golf sample data table (McClave and Dietrich 1988). The data are a comparison of distances traveled and a measure of durability for three brands of golf balls. A robotic golfer hit a random sample of ten balls for each brand in a random sequence. The hypothesis to test is that distance and durability are the same for the three golf ball brands.

1. Select Help > Sample Data Library and open Golf

2. Select Analyze > Fit Model.

3. Select Distance and Durability and click Y.

4. Select Brand and click Add.

5. For Personality, select Manova.

Figure 9.1 Manova Setup 

Manova Setup

6. Click Run.

Figure 9.2 Manova Report Window 

Manova Report Window

The initial results might not be very interesting in themselves, because no response design has been specified yet. After you specify a response design, the multivariate platform displays tables of multivariate estimates and tests. For more information about specifying a response design, see Response Specification.

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