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Publication date: 11/10/2021


Add or remove effects to compare your designs for the effects that you believe should be in the model. The Model outline initially lists effects that are in the Model script of the reference design table and that are estimated by all designs being compared. If there is no Model script in the reference design table, the Model outline shows only the main effects that can be estimated by all designs being compared. For more information about how to add and remove effects, see Model.

Note: If any of the designs are supersaturated, meaning that the number of parameters to be estimated exceeds the number of runs, the Model outline lists only a set of effects that can be estimated.

Alias Terms

Add or remove effects to compare your designs for effects that might be active. The Alias Terms outline initially contains all two-factor interactions that are not in the Model outline. The effects in this outline impact the calculations in the Alias Matrix Summary and Absolute Correlations outline. See Alias Matrix Summary and Absolute Correlations.

For more information about how to add and remove effects, see Alias Terms.

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