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Basic Analysis > Oneway Analysis > Oneway Platform Options
Publication date: 11/10/2021

Oneway Platform Options

The Oneway platform red triangle menu contains graph and analyses options. These include ANOVA, nonparametric tests, and multiple comparisons methods to evaluate differences in means across groups. Density and CDF plots enable you to visualize the distribution of your response by the X categories. Many of these options are not available if a Block variable is specified in the launch window.

Note: The Fit Group menu appears if you have specified multiple Y or X variables. Menu options enable you to arrange reports or order them by RSquare. See Fit Group Options in Fitting Linear Models.

Table 6.1 Examples of Options and Elements

Platform Option

Object Added to Plot

Report Added to Report Window


Box plots

Quantiles report


Mean diamonds

Oneway ANOVA reports

Means and Std Dev

Mean lines, error bars, and standard deviation lines

Means and Std Deviations report

Compare Means

Comparison circles

(except Each Pair Stepwise, Newman-Keuls option)

Means Comparison reports

The red triangle menu for Oneway Analysis provides the following options. Some options might not appear unless specific conditions are met.


Lists the following quantiles for each group:

0% (Minimum)



50% (Median)



100% (Maximum)

Activates Box Plots from the Display Options menu. See Quantiles.


Fits means for each group and performs a one-way analysis of variance to test if there are differences among the means. See Means/Anova and Means/Anova/Pooled t.

Note: If the X factor has two levels, the menu option changes to Means/Anova/Pooled t and produces a Pooled t test report assuming equal variances.

Means and Std Dev

Gives summary statistics for each group. The standard errors for the means use individual group standard deviations rather than the pooled estimate of the standard deviation.

The plot now contains mean lines, error bars, and standard deviation lines. For a brief description of these elements, see Display Options. For more information about these elements, see Mean Lines, Error Bars, and Standard Deviation Lines.

t test

(Available only if the X factor has two levels.) Produces a t test report assuming that the variances are not equal. See The t Test Report.

Analysis of Means Methods

Provides five commands for performing Analysis of Means (ANOM) procedures. There are commands for comparing means, variances, and ranges. See Analysis of Means Methods.

Compare Means

Provides multiple-comparison methods for comparing sets of group means. See Compare Means.


Provides nonparametric comparisons of group locations. See Nonparametric Tests.

Unequal Variances

Performs four tests for equality of group variances. Also gives the Welch test, which is an ANOVA test for comparing means when the variances within groups are not equal. See Unequal Variances.

Equivalence Tests

Tests that a difference is less than a specified threshold value. You can specify using a pooled variance or unequal variances for the variance assumption in the test. See Equivalence Tests.


Provides two methods for reducing the influence of outliers on your data. See Robust.


Provides calculations of statistical power and other details about a given hypothesis test. See Power.

The Power Details window and reports also appear within the Fit Model platform. For further discussion and examples of power calculations, see Power Calculations in Fitting Linear Models.

Set α Level

You can select an option from the most common alpha levels or specify any level with the Other selection. Changing the alpha level results in the following actions:

recalculates confidence limits

adjusts the mean diamonds on the plot (if they are showing)

modifies the upper and lower confidence level values in reports

changes the critical number and comparison circles for all Compare Means reports

changes the critical number for all Nonparametric Multiple Comparison reports

Normal Quantile Plot

Provides the following options for plotting the quantiles of the data in each group:

Plot Actual by Quantile

Appends a quantile plot to the Oneway Analysis plot. The quantile plot shares the Oneway Analysis vertical axis for the response variable. The cumulative probabilities for each group are on the horizontal axis. The plot shows quantiles computed within each level of the categorical X factor.

Plot Quantile by Actual

Generates a quantile plot with the response variable on the horizontal axis and cumulative probabilities on the vertical axis. The plot shows quantiles computed within each level of the categorical X factor.

Line of Fit

Shows or hides a reference line fit to the data for each level of the X variable.

Normal Quantile Label

Shows or hides labels inside the right vertical axis of the Normal Quantile Plot and inside the top axis of the Actual by Quantile plot. The labels represent the normal quantile scale.

CDF Plot

Plots the cumulative distribution function for all of the groups in the Oneway report. See CDF Plot.


Compares densities across groups. See Densities.

Matching Column

Specify a matching variable to perform a matching model analysis. Use this option when the data in your Oneway analysis comes from matched (paired) data, such as when observations in different groups come from the same participant.

The plot now contains matching lines that connect the matching points. See Matching Column.


Saves the following quantities as new columns in the current data table:

Save Residuals

Saves values computed as the response variable minus the mean of the response variable within each level of the factor variable.

Save Standardized

Saves standardized values of the response variable computed within each level of the factor variable. This is the centered response divided by the standard deviation within each level.

Save Normal Quantiles

Saves normal quantile values computed within each level of the categorical factor variable.

Save Predicted

Saves the predicted mean of the response variable for each level of the factor variable.

Display Options

Adds or removes elements from the plot. See Display Options.

See Local Data Filters in Reports, Redo Menus in Reports, and Save Script Menus in Reports in Using JMP for more information about the following options:

Local Data Filter

Shows or hides the local data filter that enables you to filter the data used in a specific report.


Contains options that enable you to repeat or relaunch the analysis. In platforms that support the feature, the Automatic Recalc option immediately reflects the changes that you make to the data table in the corresponding report window.

Save Script

Contains options that enable you to save a script that reproduces the report to several destinations.

Save By-Group Script

Contains options that enable you to save a script that reproduces the platform report for all levels of a By variable to several destinations. Available only when a By variable is specified in the launch window.

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