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Scripting Guide > Creating Projects > Reset the Window Layout
Publication date: 11/10/2021

Reset the Window Layout

Suppose that you create a project and customize the layout of the windows. For example, you might hide the Window List. Use the Reset Layout message to return the windows to their original layout.

project = New Project();
project << Run Script( // open data table and create a graph
					Set Window ID( "data" )
       New Window( "Big Class - Bivariate of weight by height",
              Set Window ID( "bivariate" ),
              Bivariate(Y( :weight ), X( :height ),
       ) << Set Window Icon( "Bivariate" );
Wait(3); // for demonstration purposes
project << Set Layout( // set a custom layout
       H Splitter Box(
              <<Set Sizes( {0.2, 0.8} ),
              Tab Page Box( Window ID( "Bookmarks" ) ),
						V Splitter Box(
                     <<Set Sizes( {0.53, 0.47} ),
                     Tab Page Box(
									Window ID( "bivariate" ) ),
                     Tab Page Box(
									Window ID( "data" ) )
Wait( 3 ); // for demonstration purposes
project << Reset Layout(); // return to the original layout
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