The Munger() function works many different ways, depending on what you specify for its arguments:
Munger(string, offset, find | length, <replace>);
Find, length, and replace arguments |
Example |
If you specify a string as the find and specify no replace string, Munger returns the position (after offset) of the first occurrence find string. |
Munger( "the quick brown fox", 1, "quick" ); 5 |
If you specify a positive integer as the length and specify no replace string, Munger returns the characters from offset to offset + length. |
Munger( "the quick brown fox", 1, 5 ); "the q" |
If you specify a string as the find and specify a replace string, Munger replaces the first occurrence after offset of text with replace. |
Munger( "the quick brown fox", 1, "quick", "fast" ); "the fast brown fox" |
If you specify a positive integer as the length and specify a replace string, Munger replaces the characters from offset to offset + length with replace. |
Munger( "the quick brown fox", 1, 5, "fast"); "fastuick brown fox" |
If you specify a positive integer as the length, and offset + length exceeds the length of text, Munger either returns text from offset to the end or replaces that portion of text with the replace string, if it exists. |
Munger( "the quick brown fox", 5, 25); "quick brown fox" Munger( "the quick brown fox", 5, 25, "fast" ); "the fast" |
If you specify zero as the length and specify no replace string, Munger returns a blank string. |
Munger( "the quick brown fox", 1, 0 ); "" |
If you specify zero as the length and specify a replace string, the string is inserted before the offset position. |
Munger( "the quick brown fox", 1, 0, "see " ); "see the quick brown fox" |
If you specify a negative integer as the length value and specify no replace string, Munger returns all characters from the offset to the end of the string. |
Munger( "the quick brown fox", 5, -5 ); "quick brown fox" |
If you specify a negative integer for length and specify a replace string, Munger replaces all characters from the offset to the end with the replace string. |
Munger( "the quick brown fox", 5, -5, "fast" ); "the fast" |