Use the Settings window in Multiple File Import for options for importing CSV, XML, JSON, and PDF files.
Make Numeric Columns from Numeric Data
Specifies whether to import numeric data into numeric columns or character columns. This option is selected by default.
Has Headers
Specifies if the CSV file(s) have headers. This option is selected by default.
First Header Line
Specifies the first header line of the CSV file(s). This option is set to 1 by default.
Number of Header Lines
Specifies the number of header lines. Multiple header lines will be collapsed into one line with fields separated by an underscore. This option is set to 1 by default.
First Data Line
Specifies the first data line of the CSV file(s). This option is set to 2 by default.
Specifies the character used in the file as a quotation mark if it is not a double quotation mark (“).
Specifies the character used in the file as an escape delimiter, such as a backslash (/), for special characters. CSV files typically do not use escape delimiters.
While most CSV files use commas as the marker for the end of a field, some use other characters such as tabs or spaces. Select any combination of the options in the End of Field box that best match the field delimiters of the files you are importing.
Most CSV files use line breaks to mark the end of a row. However, some may use the carriage return <CR> character, the linefeed <LR> character, or a semicolon to indicate the end of a row. Select any combination of the options in the End of Line box to account for the characters your files use to mark the end of the line.
MFI supports several options for guessing data table values from XML, JSON, and PDF files.
Tall guess
Selects the element that will make as many rows as possible.
Wide guess
Selects the element that will make as many columns as possible.
Huge guess
Selects as many elements to make rows as it needs to get all of the data into the table; it might be bigger than you expect. This guess is selected by default.
Pandas Guess
The most accurate method for creating a data table from JSON files that are in a Pandas format.
creates the data table with a user-provided JSL script.
Create column with worksheet name
Creates a column with the worksheet name for each row of data imported from a workbook. Useful when importing files with multiple worksheets per workbook. This option is deselected by default.
Auto detect during import
Automatically detects Excel worksheet parameters such as headers, row and columns suppression, and cell colors during import. This option is selected by default.
Worksheet name filter
Specifies the name of worksheets to import. Worksheet names that do not match the filter will be ignored. This field is empty by default.
Has Headers
Deselect if the file does not contain column names.
Replicate headers in spanned rows
If there are multiple header rows and a cell spans those rows but does not span any cells horizontally, the value in the start of the merged area will be repeated when creating the column header. Deselected by default. Unavailable if Number of rows with column headers is less than two.
Treat multiple column header lines as hierarchies
Reorganizes information in spanned cells in the headers and places that data in the rows of the generated table.
Column headers start on row
Specifies the row that column headers begin on. This field is 1 by default.
Number of rows with column headers
Specifies the number of rows with column headers. JMP will collapse multiple headers into one with the fields separated by an underscore.
Data starts on row
Specifies the first row that contains data. This field is set to 2 by default.
Data starts on column
Specifies the first column that contains data. This field is set to 1 by default.
Data ends with row
Specifies the last row that contains data.
Data ends with column
Specifies the last column that contains data.
Column Name Separator String
Specifies the string to be used as a separator when concatenating multiple cells into column header names.
Suppress hidden rows
Removes hidden rows in the imported files from the created data table.
Suppress hidden columns
Removes hidden columns in the imported files from the created data table.
Suppress empty columns
Removes empty columns in the imported files from the created data table.
Replicate data in spanned rows
If a cell spans multiple rows but does not span any cells horizontally, the value in the start of the merged area will be repeated. This option is selected by default.
Multiple series stack
Stacks multiple column header lines into a hierarchy. Deselected by default. Unavailable if Treat multiple column header lines as hierarchies is deselected.
Import cell colors
Specifies whether to import the cell colors used in the original file. This option is deselected by default.
Limit column type detection
Specifies whether to check every cell of the imported data to determine the column types to assign. This option is deselected by default.