The following buttons enable you to finish or review your MSA design construction.
Make Table
Constructs the MSA design data table. In addition to the design, the table includes a run order column, a replicates column, and scripts for data collection and analysis. Scripts included for analysis depend on your model structure. The MSA design table includes one or more of the following scripts:
EMP Measurement Systems Analysis
Gauge R&R
Launches the Variability/Attribute Gauge Chart platform. Requires Y values to be entered or simulated. See Variability Gauge Charts.
Fit Model
Opens the Fit Model Launch window with your model specified. This is typically a random effects mixed model.
Design Structure
Opens a script window that shows the design structure.
DOE Dialog
Launches the MSA Design platform with the specifications used to generate the current design table.
Operator Worksheets
(Available only for designs with a factor with an Operator MSA Role.) Opens a data table for each operator to use as a worksheet for data collection.
DOE Simulate
(Available only if the Simulate Response option was selected.) Opens the Simulate Response window. See Simulate Responses.
Takes you back to make adjustments to the design specifications.