DRAFT help

Publication date: 09/20/2024

Border Box Messages

This section contains JSL messages that apply to border boxes. For more information about border boxes, see “Border Box” in the Scripting Guide.

Note: Border boxes support only one display box argument.

Border Box<<Set Background Color({r, g, b}|<color>)

Sets the background color for a border box. Specify an optional quoted list of RGB values or color. For example:

border box<<Set Background Color("red");


border box<<Set Background Color( {255, 192, 3} );

Border Box<<Set Color({r, g, b}|<color>)

Sets the border color for a border box. Specify a list of RGB values or a quoted color. For example:

border box<<Set Color("red");

Border Box<<Get Color

Gets the border color for a border box.

Border Box<<Set Style(style)

Sets the border style for a border box. Specify the style as one of the following numbers or keywords: 0 ("Solid"), 1 ("Dotted"), 2 ("Dashed"), 3 ("DashDot"), or 4 ("DashDotDot"). For example:

border box<<Set Style("Dotted");

Border Box<<Get Style

Gets the border style for a border box.

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