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Publication date: 09/20/2024

Center Points, Replicate Runs, and Testing

Several DOE platforms enable you to add center points (for continuous factors), replicate runs, or full replicates of the design, to your design. Here is some background relative to adding design points.

Adding Center Points

Center points for continuous factors enable you to test for lack of fit due to nonlinear effects. Testing for lack of fit helps you determine whether the error variance estimate has been inflated due to a missing model term. This can be a wise investment of runs.

You can replicate runs solely at center points or you can replicate other design runs. JMP uses replicate runs to construct a model-independent error estimate (pure-error estimate).This pure-error estimate enables you to test for lack of fit. Center points are not counted as replicate runs when adding replicates to a design.

Be aware that center points do not help you obtain more precise estimates of model effects. They enable you to test for evidence of curvature, but do not identify the responsible nonlinear effects.

To identify the source of curvature, you must set continuous factors at a minimum of three levels. Definitive screening designs are three-level designs with the ability to detect and identify any factors causing strong nonlinear effects on the response. See “Definitive Screening Designs”.

Adding Replicate Runs

If your run budget allows, you can either replicate runs or distribute new runs optimally within the design space. Adding replicate runs adds precision for some estimates and improves the power of the lack of fit test. However, for a given run budget, adding replicate runs generally lowers the ability of the design to estimate model effects. You are not able to estimate as many terms as you could by distributing the runs optimally within the design space.

Note: Replicate runs are identified in addition to the specified number of Center Points. A replicate run could be an additional center point.

Testing for Lack of Fit

Designed experiments are typically constructed to require as few runs as possible, consistent with the goals of the experiment. With too few runs, only extremely large effects can be detected. For example, for a given effect, the t test statistic is the ratio of the change in response means to their standard error. If there is only one error degree of freedom (df), then the critical value of the test exceeds 12. So, for such a nearly saturated design to detect an effect, it has to be very large.

A similar observation applies to the lack-of-fit test. The power of this test to detect lack-of-fit depends on the numbers of degrees of freedom in the numerator and denominator. If you have only 1 df of each kind, you need an F value that exceeds 150 to declare significance at the 0.05 level. If you have 2 df of each kind, then the F value must exceed 19. In order for the test to be significant in this second case, the lack-of-fit mean square must be 19 times larger than the pure error mean square. It is also true that the lack-of-fit test is sensitive to outliers.

For more information about the Lack of Fit test, see “Lack of Fit” in Fitting Linear Models.

Determining the Number of Runs

In industrial applications, each run is often very costly, so there is incentive to minimize the number of runs. To estimate the fixed effects of interest, you need only as many runs as there are terms in the model. To determine whether the effects are active, you need a reasonable estimate of the error variance. Unless you already have a good estimate of this variance, consider adding at least 4 runs to the number required to estimate the model terms.

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