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Publication date: 09/20/2024

Column Messages

col<<Add Column Properties(name, expression)

Adds the quoted column property name with the expression given. You can add any standard column property by name or a user-specified property.

col<<Add From Row States

Updates a row state column with any currently used row state changes that are not the default state.

col<<Add To Row States

Copies all row state values in a column that are not the default state to the currently used row state in the data table.

col<<Color Cells(color)


Colors the cells of the column within the data table grid. Use any quoted named color or 0 to clear the color.

See Also

“Color Cells” in the Scripting Guide

col<<Color Cell by Value(Boolean)


Colors the cells of the column in the data table grid using the value color property.

See Also

“Color Cells” in the Scripting Guide

col<<Copy Column Properties

Copies the column properties into the buffer.

col<<Copy From Row States

Copies all row state values currently used in the data table to a column.

col<<Copy to Row States

Copies all row state values in the column to the currently used row state in the data table.

col<<Data Type(type, <Format(format quoted string)>, <Input Format(format quoted string)>, <width>)

col<<Set Data Type(type, <Format(format quoted string)>, <Input Format(format quoted string)>, <width>)


Sets the data type tocol.

Required Argument


Specifies the "Numeric", "Character", "Row State", or "Expression" data type.

Optional Arguments

Format(format quoted string)

Specifies the way the data are displayed, such as h:m for hours and minutes. The format quoted string argument is quoted.

Input Format(format quoted string)

Specifies the way the data are input. The format quoted string argument is quoted.


(Optional for numeric data) Specifies 1, 2, or 4 (the number of bytes in the column).

col<<Delete Formula

Deletes the formula from a column.

col<<Delete Property(name)

col<<Delete Column Property(name)

Deletes the quoted property name from a column.

col<<Eval Formula

Forces the formula to evaluate (perhaps again). If formula suppression is enabled, the evaluation is not performed.


Turns the excluded or unexcluded state on, depending on the Boolean argument.

col<<Format(<width>, <decimal places>, <"Use Thousands Separator">)

col<<Format("Best", <width>, <"Use Thousands Separator">)

col<<Format(("Fixed Dec"|"Percent"), <width>, <decimal places>, <"Use Thousands Separator">)

col<<Format("Pvalue", <width>)

col<<Format(("Scientific"|"Engineering"|"Engineering SI"), <width>, <decimal places>)

col<<Format("Precision", <width>, <decimal places>, <"Use Thousands Separator">, <"Keep Trailing Zeroes">, <"Keep All Whole Digits">)

col<<Format("Currency", <"Currency Code">, <width>, <decimal places>, <"Use Thousands Separator">)

col<<Format("Datetime", <width>, <input format>)

col<<Format(("Latitude DDD"|"Latitude DDM"|"Latitude DMS"|"Longitude DDD"|"Longitude DDM"|"Longitude DDM"), <width>, <decimal places>, ("PUN"|"DIR"|"PUNDIR"))

col<<Format("Custom", Formula(...), <width>, <input format>)


Sets the numeric display specified format.


See “Numeric Formats” in Using JMP for more information about the arguments.


col<<Format( 10, 2, "Use thousands separator");
col<<Format( "Currency", "EUR", 20 );
col<<Format( "m/d/y", 10 );
col<<Format( "Precision", 10, 2, "Keep trailing zeroes", "Keep all whole digits" );
col<<Format( "Latitude DDD", "PUNDIR"); // "PUN" for punctuation, "DIR" for direction, PUNDIR for both
col<<Format( "Custom", Formula( Abs( value ) ), 15 );

See Also

For a list of currency codes, see “Format Currency” in the Scripting Guide. The currency code is based on the locale if the code is omitted.


col<<Set Formula(expression)

Sets the formula for the variable and evaluates it.

col<<Get Column Field Width

Returns the field width used for displaying data in the column.

col<<Get Data Type

Returns the data type of col.

col<<Get Data Type Length

Returns the data type and length of the data column. Only the data type is returned if the data length is not fixed, as with character columns.

col<<Get Format

Returns the format of the column.

col<<Get Formula

Returns the formula.

col<<Get Hidden

Returns 1 if the column is hidden.

col<<Get Input Format

Returns the format used for input and storing of data for the column.

col<<Get Labeled

Returns 1 if the column is labeled.

col<<Get List Check

Returns the list check definition. If list check is not defined for the column, a message is sent to the log stating so.

col<<Get Lock

Returns the current Lock setting.

col<<Get Modeling Type

Returns the modeling type of the column.

col<<Get Name

Returns the name of the column.

col<<Get Property("property name")

Returns the specified property definition. If the specified property is not defined for the column, a message is sent to the log stating so.

col<<Get Range Check

Returns the range check definition. If range check is not defined for the column, a message is sent to the log stating so.

col<<Get Role

Returns the preselected role of col.

col<<Get Script

Returns the script to reproduce the column.

col<<Get Scroll Locked

Returns 1 if the column is scroll locked.

col<<Get Selected

Returns 1 if the column is selected, or 0 otherwise.

col<<Get Stored Values

Returns the values in the columns without considering the Missing Value Codes column property.

col<<Get Value Labels

Returns the value labels definition. If value labels is not defined for the column, a message is sent to the log stating so.

col<<Get Use Value Labels

Returns 1 if the value labels are set to be used for the column, or 0 otherwise.

col<<Get Values

Returns the values in the column.


Turns the Hide attribute on or off according to the Boolean argument given.

col<<Ignore Errors

Ignores formula evaluation errors in a column, and sets the cell value to missing when a formula error occurs.

col<<Input Format(format)

Sets the quoted format used for input and storage for the column. The argument is the name of any JMP format (for example, "ddmmyyyy" for a date column).

date_col<<Is Transformed On SAS Export

Returns true if the data in the resulting SAS data set for the date column will be changed when it is exported to SAS.


Turns the Label attribute on or off according to the Boolean argument given.


col<<Set Lock(Boolean)

Turns the Lock attribute on or off according to the Boolean argument given.

col<<Preselect Role(role)

Preselects the specified role for the column. Choices are "Y", "X", "Weight", "Freq", and "None", or "No Role".

col<<Reset Transform

Removes the cached data for the transform column. Accessing column data rebuilds the caches. Use this option to reduce memory or to allow recalculation if the formula depends on external information.

col<<Set Display Width(n)

Sets the column display width to the n in pixels. If n is set to zero, the column display width automatically resizes.

col<<Set Each Value(n)

Sets all the values in the column to n.

col<<Set Excluded

Excludes the column.

col<<Set Field Width(n)

Sets the field width for the column to n.

col<<Set Hidden

Hides the column.

col<<Set Labeled

col<<Set Labelled

Uses the column’s data values for labels.

col<<Set Modeling Type(type)

Sets the modeling type for the variable. Choices are "Continuous", "Ordinal", "Nominal", "None", "Row State", "Unstructured", "Multiple Response", or "Vector".

col<<Set Name(name)

Sets the name for the column. The name argument is quoted.

col<<Set Property(name, expression)

Sets the quoted property name to the expression given. You can set any standard column property by name or a user-specified property.


The following example adds the Value Colors column property to the sex column, with pink for females and blue for males.

dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Big Class.jmp" );
Column( "sex" ) << Set Property( "Value Colors", {"F" = 78, "M" = 69} );

The following example adds a custom column property named Date recorded to the height column.

dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Big Class.jmp" );
Column( "height" ) << Set Property( "Date recorded", 05Jan1990 );

See Also

“Set or Get Column Properties” in the Scripting Guide

“Set JMP Column Properties” in Using JMP

col<<Set Scroll Locked(Boolean)

Turns the Scroll Lock attribute on or off according to the Boolean argument given.

col<<Set Selected(Boolean)

Sets the column to be selected or not selected.

col<<Set Use for Marker

col<<Use for Marker

Uses the values in the column as markers in graphs. Designed to use with expression columns and character columns that have IDs. In the Big Class Families.jmp sample data table, the picture column is specified to use as markers in graphs. Not supported in Bubble Plot.

col<<Set Values([matrix] or {list})

col<<Values([matrix] or {list})

Sets values for the matrix (for numeric variables) or list (for character variables).

col<<Suppress Eval(Boolean)

Turns off automatic calculation of formulas for the column.

col<<Use For Marker(Boolean)

Uses the values in the column as markers in graphs or turns off the option. Designed to use with expression columns and character columns that have IDs. In the Big Class Families.jmp sample data table, the picture column is specified to use as markers in graphs.

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