DRAFT help

Publication date: 09/20/2024

Design Explorer

Use the Design Explorer section to quickly explore how design choices influence the design and to select a set of designs to compare in greater detail. The Design Explorer button launches a new window with the factors, model, and alias terms as specified in the custom design window. There are options to create one design at a time, or to create multiple designs from all combinations of settings. After you create one or more designs, initial design diagnostics are reported in a table. Options allow for further evaluation of individual designs or comparisons across designs.

Note: The Design Explorer is available only for designs with any combination of continuous, categorical, or mixture factors.

Design Explorer Options

Use the Single Design section to specify designs one at a time for comparison. Use the All Combinations section to generate a series of designs for comparison.

Single Design

Set design options for a single design. Click Make Design to add the design to the Results. Specify the optimality criteria, the number of runs, the number of center points, the number of replicates, and the number of random starts used in the design generation algorithm.

All Combinations

Set designs options for a series of designs. Click Generate All Designs to add the designs to the Results. You can specify one or more optimality criteria, the number of runs, the number of center points, the number of replicates (not including the count of center points), and the number of random starts used in the design generation algorithm. To add designs with a range of runs, center points, or replicates, deselect the corresponding Locked check box.

Note: Replicate runs are identified by the custom design algorithm in addition to the specified number of Center Points. A replicate run could be an additional center point.

Design Explorer Results

Use the Results section to compare designs. Each time one or more designs are generated, rows are added to the table. Use a radio button to specify the reference design. Use the buttons below the table to evaluate, compare, and make tables for selected designs. Click a row in the table to select a design or use the control or shift key to select multiple designs.

Note: A selected design is denoted by a shaded row in the table. The radio button specifies the single reference design.

The following options are available for the Design Explorer:

Evaluate Selected Designs

(Available only when one or more designs are selected in the table.) Evaluates all selected designs individually. See “Evaluate Design Report”.

Compare Selected Designs

(Available only when two or more designs are selected in the table.) Compares up to five selected designs to the reference design. See “Design Evaluation in the Compare Designs Platform”. If more than five designs are selected, then only the first five are used in the comparison.

Make Selected Tables

(Available only when one or more designs are selected in the table.) Opens a new data table for each selected design.

Remove Designs

Removes all selected designs from the table.

Make Enhanced Table

Opens the results for all designs in a new data table. The data table includes a Launch column. Use the link to launch a specific design.

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