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Profilers > Profiler > Design Space Profiler > Design Space Profiler Options
Publication date: 09/20/2024

Design Space Profiler Options

The Design Space Profiler red triangle menu contains the following options:

Show Portion for Each Response

Shows or hides a column in the table of responses that contains the in-specification portion for each response at the current lower and upper limits for the factors. If there is more than one response, this column is shown by default.

Send Midpoints to Profiler

Sends the midpoints to the Prediction Profiler and sets the factors to the midpoint values. These values are the midpoints between the current Design Space Profiler lower and upper limits for the factors.

Get Midpoints from Profiler

Obtains the current factor settings from the Prediction Profiler and sets the midpoints for each factor in the Design Space Profiler to those values. Limits are constructed around each midpoint value using a specified fraction of the factor range.

Send Limits to Simulator

Sends the current limits for the continuous factors and a specified distribution to the Simulator. You can select a normal distribution with the limits at 2σ or 3σ, a normal weighted distribution with the limits at 2σ or 3σ, or a uniform distribution. The Simulator uses the Design Space Profiler factor limits and the specified distribution to define the parameters for the random factor distribution. If you select a normal or normal weighted distribution, the factor limits are used to determine the mean and the standard deviation, σ. If you select a uniform distribution, the factor limits are used to determine the lower and upper values of the distribution. This option also sends the Error StdDev value for each response to the Simulator. The values are used as the standard deviation of the added random noise for the corresponding response.

If there are categorical factors, this option sends an equal probability multinomial random distribution to the simulator. For factor levels that have been excluded in the Design Space Profiler, their probabilities are set to zero in the Simulator.

Note: This option launches the Simulator if it has not been launched yet.

Tip: Use the weighted normal distributions when defects are a very rare event and you want the simulation sampler to explore the space in the tails of the distribution.

Send Limits to Profiler as Constraints

Sends the current factor limits in the Design Space Profiler to the Prediction Profiler as bound constraints. If the Simulator is turned on and is set to Uniform, the simulator bounds are adjusted to be feasible with the profiler bound constraints.

Note: To remember the profiler bounds, save the constraints as a data table script using the Save Linear Constraints menu option.

Reset Factor Space

Opens a window that enables you to change the factor space by narrowing, widening, or shifting the range of one or more factors. The window shows the current minimum, maximum, lower limit, and upper limit for each factor. You can enter new values for the minimum and maximum of each factor individually or you can use the Make Narrower button to set to narrow the ranges of all factors, centered across the limits. You can also set the Number of Grid Points for each factor.

Make and Connect Random Table

Creates a new data table that contains uniformly distributed factor settings and their corresponding simulated responses. The new data table is connected to the design space profiler with the rows that contain factors that are within the current lower and upper limits selected. When you select this option, a window is shown enabling you to specify how the responses are simulated. You can specify the number of runs, specify the use of random noise, and update the response standard deviation values. You can also specify to save confidence or prediction intervals to the data table and to embed the factor or response space plots to your report.

Scatterplots of the factor space and the response space provide a visual representation of the operating limits and their impact on the in spec results. The response space plots are available only for profilers with two or more responses. View the plots by selecting the embed option or by running the corresponding scripts in the new data tables. Predicted responses that are within the specification limits are colored green and predicted responses that are outside of the specification limits are colored red.

Connect to Table

Connects the Design Space Profiler report to the specified data table. The rows that contain factors that are within the current lower and upper limits are selected in the connected table. The row selections are automatically updated as changes are made in the Design Space Profiler report.

Connect Hide Mode

(Available only after the Connect to Table option is selected.) Hides the rows in the connected data table that contain factors that are outside of the current lower and upper limits.

Show Current Profiler Values

Shows or hides the current values from the Prediction Profiler as vertical gray dotted reference lines.

Save X Spec Limits

Saves the current operating limits for the factors as spec limits column properties in the original data table.

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