DRAFT help

Publication date: 09/20/2024

Draw Lines

Line() draws lines between points on a JMP graph.

win = New Window( "Five-Point Star",
	Graph Box(
		Frame Size( 300, 300 ),
		X Scale( -1.1, 1.1 ),
		Y Scale( -1.1, 1.1 ),
			{Cos( 1 * Pi() / 10 ), Sin( 1 * Pi() / 10 )},
			{Cos( 9 * Pi() / 10 ), Sin( 9 * Pi() / 10 )},
			{Cos( 17 * Pi() / 10 ), Sin( 17 * Pi() / 10 )},
			{Cos( 5 * Pi() / 10 ), Sin( 5 * Pi() / 10 )},
			{Cos( 13 * Pi() / 10 ), Sin( 13 * Pi() / 10 )},
			{Cos( 1 * Pi() / 10 ), Sin( 1 * Pi() / 10 )}

Figure 12.10 Using Lines to Draw a StarĀ 

Using Lines to Draw a Star

You can either specify the points in two-item lists as demonstrated above or as matrices of x and then y coordinates. Matrices are flattened by rows. You can use either row or column vectors, as long as you have the same number of elements in each matrix. The following expressions have the same effect:

Line( {1,2}, {3,0}, {2,4} ); // several {x,y} lists
Line( [1 3 2],[2 0 4] ); // row vectors
Line( [1,3,2], [2,0,4] ); // column vectors
Line( [1 3 2], [2,0,4] ); // one of each

The star example could also be drawn this way. Note that the script must include the full Matrix( {...} ) notation rather than [ ] shorthand because the entries are expressions. The following example uses the Matrix() function.

win = New Window( "Five-Point Star",
	Graph Box(
		Frame Size( 300, 300 ),
		X Scale( -1.1, 1.1 ),
		Y Scale( -1.1, 1.1 ),
				{ // the x coordinates
				Cos( 1 * Pi() / 10 ), Cos( 9 * Pi() / 10 ), Cos( 17 * Pi() / 10 ),
				Cos( 5 * Pi() / 10 ), Cos( 13 * Pi() / 10 ), Cos( 1 * Pi() / 10 )}
				{ // the y coordinates
				Sin( 1 * Pi() / 10 ), Sin( 9 * Pi() / 10 ), Sin( 17 * Pi() / 10 ),
				Sin( 5 * Pi() / 10 ), Sin( 13 * Pi() / 10 ), Sin( 1 * Pi() / 10 )}
		) ) );

HLine() draws a horizontal line across the graph at the y-value that you specify. Similarly, VLine() draws a vertical line down the graph at the x-value that you specify. Both functions support drawing multiple lines by using a matrix of values in the y argument. See Mousetrap().

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