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Publication date: 09/20/2024

List Functions

As List(matrix)


Converts a matrix into a list. Multi-column matrices are converted to a list of row lists.


A list.



Any matrix.

Concat Items({string1, string2, ...}, <delimiter>})


Converts a list of quoted string expressions into one string, with each item separated by a delimiter. The delimiter is a blank if unspecified.


The concatenated quoted string.



Any quoted string.


An optional quoted string that is placed between each item. The delimiter can be more than one character long.


str1 = "one";
str2 = "two";
str3 = "three";
comb = Concat Items({str1, str2, str3});

"one two three"

comb = Concat Items({str1, str2, str3}, " : ");

"one : two : three"

del = ",";
comb = Concat Items({str1, str2, str3}, del);


Eval List({list})


Evaluates expressions inside list.


A list of the evaluated expressions.



A list of valid JSL expressions.

Insert(source, item, <position>)

Insert(source, key, value)


Inserts a new item into the source at the given position. If position is not given, item is added to the end.

For an associative array: Adds the key into the source associative array and assigns value to it. If the key exists in source already, its value is overwritten with the new value.

Required Arguments


A quoted string, list, vector, expression, or associative array.


Any value to be placed within source. For an associative array, key might or might not be present in source.


A value to assign to the key.

Optional Arguments


Optional numeric value that specifies the position in source to place the item into.

Insert Into(source, item, <position>)

Insert Into(source, key, value)


Inserts a new item into the source at the given position in place. The source must be an L-value.



A variable that contains a quoted string, list, vector, display box, expression, or associative array.


Any value to be placed within source. For an associative array, key might be present in source.


Optional numeric value that specifies the position in source to place the item into.


A value to assign to the key.

Is List(x)


Returns 1 if the evaluated argument is a list, or 0 otherwise.

Items(string, <delimiter>, <Include Boundary Delimiters(Boolean)>)


Returns a list of (possibly empty) quoted sub-strings separated by exactly one of any of the characters specified in the delimiter argument.



The quoted string that is evaluated.


(Optional) The character used as a boundary. If delimiter is absent, an ASCII space is used. If delimiter is the empty quoted string, each character is treated as a separate word.

Include Boundary Delimiters(Boolean)

(Optional) Returns the empty strings between the boundary and the delimiter.


Items( "http://www.jmp.com", ":/." );

{"http", "", "", "www", "jmp", "com"}

Items(",toy,", ",");


Items(",toy,", ",", Include Boundary Delimiters( 1 ));

{"", "toy", ""}

/* There is no text between the boundary (the beginning of the quoted string) and the comma delimiter, so you get an empty string. The same priniciple applies to the delimiter at the end of the string. */

List(a, b, c, ...)

{a, b, c, ...}


Constructs a list from a set of items.

N Items(source)


Determines the number of elements in the source specified.


For a list or display box, the number of items in the list or display box is returned. For an associative array, the number of keys is returned. For a matrix, the number of elements in the matrix is returned. For a namespace, the number of functions and variables in the namespace is returned. For a class object, the number of methods, functions, and variables is returned.



A list, associative array, matrix, display box, or namespace.

Remove(source, position, <n>)

Remove(source, {items})

Remove(source, key)


Deletes the n item(s), starting from the indicated position. If n is omitted, the item at position is deleted. If position and n are omitted, the item at the end is removed. For an associative array: Deletes the key and its value.


A copy of the source with the items deleted.



A quoted string, list, vector, expression, or associative array.

position or key

An integer (or list of integers) that points to a specific item (or items) in the list or expression.


(Optional) An integer that specifies how many items to remove.

Remove From(source, position, <n>)

Remove From(source, key)


Deletes the n item(s) in place, starting from the indicated position. If n is omitted, the item at position is deleted. If position and n are omitted, the item at the end is removed. For an associative array: Deletes the key and its value. The source must be an L-value.


The original source with the items deleted.



A quoted string, list, vector, expression, display box, or associative array.

position or key

An integer (or list of integers) that points to a specific item (or items) in the list or expression.


(Optional) An integer that specifies how many items to remove.



Reverse order of elements or terms in the source.



A quoted string, list, matrix, or expression.

Reverse Into(source)


Reverses the order of elements or terms in source in place.



A quoted string, list, matrix, display box, or expression.

Shift(source, <n>)


Shifts an item or n items from the front to the back of the source.



A quoted string, list, matrix, or expression.


(Optional) An integer that specifies the number of items to shift. Positive values shift items from the beginning of the source to the end. Negative values shift items from the end of the source to the beginning. The default value is 1.

Shift Into(source, <n>)


Shifts items in place.



A quoted string, list, matrix, display box, or expression.


(Optional) An integer that specifies the number of items to shift. Positive values shift items from the beginning of the source to the end. Negative values shift items from the end of the source to the beginning. The default value is 1.

Sort List({list }|expr)


Sort the elements or terms of list or expr.

Sort List Into({list }|expr)


Sort the elements or terms of list or expr in place.

Substitute(string, "substring", "replacementString", ...)

Substitute({list }, listItem, replacementItem, ...)

Substitute(Expr(sourceExpr), Expr(findExpr), Expr(replacementExpr), ...)


This is a search and replace function. It searches for a specific portion (second argument) of the source (first argument), and replaces it (third argument).

If a quoted string, finds all matches to substring in the source string, and replaces them with the replacementString.

If a list, finds all matches to listItem in the source list, and replaces them with the replacementItem.

If an expression, finds all matches to the findExpr in the sourceExpr, and replaces them with the replacementExpr. Note that all expressions must be enclosed within an Expr() function.


string, list, sourceExpr

A quoted string, list, matrix, or expression in which to perform the substitution.

substring, listItem, findExpr

A quoted string, list item, or expression to be found in the source string, list, or expression.

replacementString, replacementItem, replacementExpr

A quoted string, list item, or expression to replace the found string, list item, or expression.

Substitute Into(string, substring, replacementString, ...)

Substitute Into(list, listItem, replacementItem, ...)

Substitute Into(Expr(sourceExpr), Expr(findExpr), Expr(replacementExpr), ...)


This is a search and replace function, identical to Substitute() except in place. It searches for a specific portion (second argument) of the source (first argument), and replaces it (third argument). The first argument must be an L-value.

If a quoted string, finds all matches to substring in the source string, and replaces them with the replacementString.

If a list, finds all matches to listItem in the source list, and replaces them with the replacementItem.

If an expression, finds all matches to the findExpr in the sourceExpr, and replaces them with the replacementExpr. Note that all expressions must be enclosed within an Expr() function.


string, list, sourceExpr

A quoted string, list, matrix, or expression in which to perform the substitution.

substring, listItem, findExpr

A quoted string, list item, or expression to be found in the source string, list, or expression.

replacementString, replacementItem, replacementExpr

A quoted string, list item, or expression to replace the found string, list item, or expression.

Words(string, <delimiter>)


Extracts the words from the quoted string according to the delimiters given. The default delimiter is ASCII whitespace. If you include a second argument, any and all characters in that argument are considered delimiters. If delim is an empty string, each character is treated as a separate word.


Words( "the quick brown fox" );


Words( "Doe, Jane P.",", ." );


Where(<dt>, clause)


Filters and returns indices depending on the given clause. The clause can be a comparison function or a conditional statement. Columns, matrices, and lists can be mixed and matched within the same clause.

The indices returned by Where() are optimized for high performance on large lists, matrices, and columns.

Required Arguments


A comparison function or conditional statement.

Optional Arguments


Changes the current Data Table during the evaluation.


Names Default To Here( 1 );
xs = [10 20 30 . 50];
xs[Where( xs >= 20 )];
xs[Where( !Is Missing( xs ) )];
ys = {10, 20, "30", ., 50};
ys[Where( ys >= 20 )];
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