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Publication date: 09/20/2024

Number Col Box Messages

Number Col Box<<Add Element(item)

Adds the item to the Number Col Box. item can be a single number, a list of numbers, or a matrix.

Number Col Box<<Bootstrap(nsample, Random Seed(number), Fractional Weights(Boolean), Split Selected Column(Boolean), Discard Stacked Table if Split Works(Boolean)


Bootstraps the analysis, repeating it many times with different resampling weights and collecting tables as selected.



Sets the number of times that you want to resample the data and compute the statistics. A larger number results in more precise estimates of the statistics’ properties. By default, the number of bootstrap samples is set to 2,500.

Random Seed(number)

Sets a random seed that you can re-enter in subsequent runs of the bootstrap analysis to duplicate your current results. By default, no seed is set.

Fractional Weights(Boolean)

Performs a Bayesian bootstrap analysis. In each bootstrap iteration, each observation is assigned a weight that is calculated as described in “Statistical Details for Fractional Weights” in Basic Analysis. The weighted observations are used in computing the statistics of interest. By default, the fractional weights option is not selected and a simple bootstrap analysis is conducted.

Split Selected Column(Boolean)

Places bootstrap results for each statistic in the column that you selected for bootstrapping into a separate column in the Bootstrap Results table. Each row of the Bootstrap Results table (other than the first) corresponds to a single bootstrap sample.

If you exclude this option, a Stacked Bootstrap Results table appears. For each bootstrap iteration, this table contains results for the entire report table that contains the column that you selected for bootstrapping. Results for each row of the report table appear as rows in the Stacked Bootstrap Results table. Each column in the report table defines a column in the Stacked Bootstrap Results table.

Discard Stacked Table if Split Works(Boolean)

(Applicable only if the Split Selected Column option is included.) Determines the number of results tables produced by Bootstrap. If the Discard Stacked Table if Split Works option is not selected, then two Bootstrap tables are shown. The Stacked Bootstrap Results table, which contains bootstrap results for each row of the table containing the column that you selected for bootstrapping, gives bootstrap results for every statistic in the report, where each column is defined by a statistic. The unstacked Bootstrap Results table, which is obtained by splitting the stacked table, provides results only for the column that is selected in the original report.

See Also

“Bootstrapping Window Options” in Basic Analysis

Number Col Box<<Get

Number Col Box<<Get(i)

Gets the values in a list, or the i th value.

Number Col Box<<Get As Matrix

Gets the values in a matrix, specifically a column vector.

Number Col Box<<Get Format

Returns the current format.

Number Col Box<<Get Heading

Returns the column heading text.

Number Col Box<<Remove Element(row number)

Removes an element from the column at the specified position.

Number Col Box<<Set Format(<width>|<width, decimal places>, <"Use Thousands Separator">)

Number Col Box<<Set Format("Best", <width>, <"Use Thousands Separator">)

Number Col Box<<Set Format(("Fixed Dec"|"Percent"), <width>|<width, decimal places>, <"Use Thousands Separator">)

Number Col Box<<Set Format("Pvalue", <width>)

Number Col Box<<Set Format(("Scientific"|"Engineering"|"Engineering SI"), <width>|<width, decimal places>)

Number Col Box<<Set Format("Precision", <width>|<width, decimal places>, <"Use Thousands Separator">, <"Keep Trailing Zeroes">, <"Keep All Whole Digits">)

Number Col Box<<Set Format("Currency", <currency code>, <width>|<width, decimal places>, <"Use Thousands Separator">)

Number Col Box<<Set Format(datetime, <width>, <input format>)

Number Col Box<<Set Format(("Latitude DDD"|"Latitude DDM"|"Latitude DMS"|"Longitude DDD"|"Longitude DDM"|"Longitude DDM"), <width>|<width, decimal places>, ("PUN"|"DIR"|"PUNDIR"))

Number Col Box<<Set Format("Custom", Formula(...), <width>, <input format>)


Sets the column format.


“Numeric Formats” in Using JMP describes the arguments. Note that Matrix Box(), Number Col Box(), Number Col Edit Box(), Number Edit Box() have the same Set Format syntax.


<<Set Format( 10, 2, "Use thousands separator");
<<Set Format( "Currency", "EUR", 20, );
<<Set Format( "m/d/y", 10 );
<<Set Format( "Precision", 10, 2, "Keep trailing zeroes", "Keep all whole digits" );
<<Set Format( "Latitude DDD", "PUNDIR"); // "PUN" for punctuation, "DIR" for direction, PUNDIR for both
<<Set Format( "Custom", Formula( Abs( value ) ), 15 );


For a list of currency codes, see “Format Currency” in the Scripting Guide. The currency code is based on the locale if the code is omitted.

If you don’t specify the format, set the decimal places to greater than 100 for datetime values and to 97 for p-values.

You must always precede the number of decimal places with the width.

Options can be defined in a list or a variable, or they can be in a Function() that is evaluated.

ncbFunc = Function({}, {"Fixed", 12, 5});

number col box<<Set Heading(quoted string)

Changes the column heading text.

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