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Quality and Process Methods > Process Capability > Process Capability Platform Options
Publication date: 09/20/2024

Process Capability Platform Options

The Process Capability red triangle menu contains the following options:

Individual Detail Reports

Shows or hides individual detail reports for each variable in the analysis. See Individual Detail Reports.

Goal Plot

Shows or hides a goal plot for the data. The Goal Plot shows the spec-normalized mean shift on the x-axis and the spec-normalized standard deviation on the y-axis for each variable. See Goal Plot. (Only variables for which you specify normal distributions are shown on the plot.)

Capability Box Plots

Shows or hides a capability box plot for each variable in the analysis. The values for each column are centered by their target value and scaled by twice the minimum difference between the target value and the specification limits. See Capability Box Plots. (Box plots are shown only for variables for which you specify normal distributions.)

Normalized Box Plots

Provides two options for plots that show normalized box plots for each process variable. Each column is standardized by subtracting its mean and dividing by an estimate of the column’s standard deviation. The box plot is constructed using quantiles for the standardized values. See Normalized Box Plots. (Normalized box plots are shown only for variables for which you specify normal distributions.)

Within Sigma Normalized Box Plots

Shows or hides a plot called Within Sigma Normalized Box Plots. The box plots are constructed using the within-subgroup estimate of standard deviation.

Within or Between-and-Within Sigma Normalized Box Plots

(Available only when Calculate Between-and-Within Capability is selected for at least one process in the launch window.) Shows or hides a plot called Within or Between-and-Within Normalized Box Plots. The box plots are constructed using the within group estimate of the standard deviation or, if specified, the between-and-within estimate.

Overall Sigma Normalized Box Plots

Shows or hides a plot called Overall Sigma Normalized Box Plots. The box plots are constructed using the overall estimate of standard deviation.

Capability Index Plot

Shows overall Ppk values for all variables that you entered as Y, Process. See Capability Index Plot.

Process Performance Plot

Shows or hides a four-quadrant plot of capability versus stability. Each process that has at least one specification limit is represented by a point. See Process Performance Plot.

Summary Reports

Provides two options for summary reports of capability indices. See Summary Reports.

Within Sigma Summary Report

Shows or hides a summary report of capability indices calculated using the within-subgroup estimate of standard deviation. (Results are available only for variables with specified normal distributions.)

Within or Between-and-Within Sigma Summary Report

(Available only when Calculate Between-and-Within Capability is selected for at least one process in the launch window.) Shows or hides a summary report of capability indices calculated using the within group estimate of the standard deviation or, if specified, the between-and-within group estimate.

Overall Sigma Summary Report

Shows or hides a summary report of capability indices calculated using the overall estimate of standard deviation.

Action Options

The following red triangle menu options perform actions:

Out of Spec Values

Provides options for the cells in the data table containing values that are out of spec.

Select Out of Spec Values

Selects all rows and columns in the data table that contain at least one value that does not fall within the specification limits.

Color Out of Spec Values

Colors the cells in the data table that correspond to values that are out of spec. The cell is colored blue if the value is above the USL and red if the value is below the LSL.

Tip: To remove colors in specific cells, select all cells of interest. Right-click in one of the cells and select Clear Color. To remove colors in all cells, deselect Color Out of Spec Values.

Make Goal Plot Summary Table

Creates a summary table for the points plotted in the Goal Plot. This table includes the variable’s name, its spec-normalized mean shift, and its spec-normalized standard deviation. Each variable has two rows in this table: one for each sigma type (within and overall). See Make Goal Plot Summary Table.

Order By

Reorders the box plots, summary reports, and individual detail reports. You can reorder by Initial Order, Reverse Initial Order, Within Sigma Cpk Ascending, Within or Between-and-Within Sigma Cpk Ascending, Within Sigma Cpk Descending, Within or Between-and-Within Sigma Cpk Descending, Overall Sigma Ppk Ascending, or Overall Sigma Ppk Descending. The options that order by Within Sigma reorder plot elements only for variables with specified normal distributions.

Note: The options to order by Within or Between-and-Within Sigma are available only if Calculate Between-and-Within Capability is selected for at least one process in the launch window.


Provides options for saving specification limits and distributions.

Save Spec Limits as Column Properties

Saves the specification limits to a column property for each variable in the analysis. If no Spec Limits column property is present, the column property is created. If a Spec Limits column property is present, the values in the column property are overwritten. See Spec Limits Column Property.

Save Distributions as Column Properties

Saves the distribution used in calculating capability as a Process Capability Distribution column property. See “Process Capability Distribution” in Using JMP.

If a column contains the Distribution property specifying a nonnormal distribution and no Process Capability Distribution property, then the Process Capability platform applies a nonnormal fit. The Process Capability platform uses the distribution specified in the Distribution column property, or a Johnson fit if that distribution is not supported in Process Capability. If a column contains the Process Capability Distribution property, then the Process Capability platform uses the distribution specified in the Process Capability Distribution column property.

Note: If you want to use a specific distribution in the Process Capability platform, save it as a Process Capability Distribution column property.

Save Spec Limits to New Table

Saves the specification limits and the setting for Show Limits for each process to a limits data table in tall format. See Limits Data Table.

Relaunch Dialog

Opens the platform launch window and recalls the settings used to create the report.

See “Local Data Filters in JMP Reports”, “Redo Menus in JMP Reports”, “Group Platform”, and “Save Script Menus in JMP Reports” in Using JMP for more information about the following options:

Local Data Filter

Shows or hides the local data filter that enables you to filter the data used in a specific report.


Contains options that enable you to repeat or relaunch the analysis. In platforms that support the feature, the Automatic Recalc option immediately reflects the changes that you make to the data table in the corresponding report window.

Platform Preferences

Contains options that enable you to view the current platform preferences or update the platform preferences to match the settings in the current JMP report.

Save Script

Contains options that enable you to save a script that reproduces the report to several destinations.

Save By-Group Script

Contains options that enable you to save a script that reproduces the platform report for all levels of a By variable to several destinations. Available only when a By variable is specified in the launch window.

Note: Additional options for this platform are available through scripting. Open the Scripting Index under the Help menu. In the Scripting Index, you can also find examples for scripting the options that are described in this section.

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