DRAFT help

Publication date: 09/20/2024


Use the Responses outline to specify one or more responses.

Tip: When you have completed the Responses outline, consider selecting Save Responses from the red triangle menu. This option saves the response names, goals, limits, and importance values in a data table that you can later reload in DOE platforms.

Figure 21.5 Responses Outline 

Responses Outline

Add Response

Enters a single response with a goal type of Maximize, Match Target, Minimize, None, or Functional. If you select Match Target, enter limits for your target value. If you select Maximize or Minimize, entering limits is not required but can be useful if you intend to use desirability functions.

Image shown hereFunctional

(Available only in JMP Pro.) Adds a Y functional response column to the design. When the design table is built this column has FDE column properties. Functional response columns can be used in the Functional Data Explorer platform with the DOE factors as supplementary factors. The functional response is initiated with five evenly spaced measurements per run. Click a level text box to adjust. Click the number of measurements per run to update the number of levels. If you have 10 or more levels per measurement, a dialog prompts for a starting level and the increment between levels.


Removes the selected responses.

Number of Responses

Enters additional responses so that the number that you enter is the total number of responses. If you have entered a response other than the default Y, the Goal for each of the additional responses is the Goal associated with the last response entered. Otherwise, the Goal defaults to Match Target. Click the Goal type in the table to change it.

The Responses outline contains the following columns:

Response Name

The name of the response. When added, a response is given a default name of Y, Y2, and so on. To change this name, double-click it and enter the desired name.

Goal, Lower Limit, Upper Limit

The Goal tells JMP that you want to maximize or minimize your response, match a target, or that you have no goal for your response. JMP assigns a Response Limits column property, based on these specifications, to each response column in the design table. It uses this information to define a desirability function for each response. The Profiler and Contour Profiler use these desirability functions to find optimal factor settings. For additional details, see “Desirability Profiling and Optimization” in Profilers and “Response Limits”.

A Goal of Maximize indicates that the best value is the largest possible. If there are natural lower or upper bounds, you can specify these as the Lower Limit or Upper Limit.

A Goal of Minimize indicates that the best value is the smallest possible. If there are natural lower or upper bounds, you can specify these as the Lower Limit or Upper Limit.

A Goal of Match Target indicates that the best value is a specific target value. The default target value is assumed to be midway between the Lower Limit and Upper Limit.

A Goal of None indicates that there is no goal in terms of optimization. No desirability function is constructed.

Note: If your target response is not midway between the Lower Limit and the Upper Limit, you can change the target after you generate your design table. In the data table, open the Column Info window for the response column (Cols > Column Info) and enter the desired target value.


When you have several responses, the Importance values that you specify are used to compute an overall desirability function. These values are treated as weights for the responses. If there is only one response, then specifying the Importance is unnecessary because it is set to 1 by default.

Image shown hereDetection Limits

The lower and upper detection limits are bounds beyond which the response cannot be measured. The detection limits are saved as a column property. You can use these limits to specify a censored response in either the Distribution or Generalized Regression platform. See “Censoring” in Fitting Linear Models.


The experimental units for the factors. To insert Units, click and enter the appropriate units.

Editing the Responses Outline

In the Responses outline, note the following:

Double-click a response to edit the response name.

Click the goal to change it.

Click on a limit or importance weight to change it.

For multiple responses, you might want to enter values for the importance weights.

Response Limits Column Property

The Goal, Lower Limit, Upper Limit, and Importance that you specify when you enter a response are used in finding optimal factor settings. For each response, the information is saved in the generated design data table as a Response Limits column property. JMP uses this information to define the desirability function. The desirability function is used in the Prediction Profiler to find optimal factor settings. For additional details about the Response Limits column property and examples of its use, see “Response Limits”.

If you do not specify a Lower Limit and Upper Limit, JMP uses the range of the observed data for the response to define the limits for the desirability function. Specifying the Lower Limit and Upper Limit gives you control over the specification of the desirability function. For more details about the construction of the desirability function, see “Desirability Profiling and Optimization” in Profilers.

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