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Publication date: 09/20/2024

Scripting Guide Glossary

Terms, Concepts, and Placeholders


In syntax summaries, | means “or” and separates possible choices. Usually choices separated by | are mutually exclusive. In other words, you have to pick one and cannot list several.


An argument is something specified inside the parentheses of a JSL function, message, and so forth. Big Class.jmp is the argument in Open("Big Class.jmp").

You can often infer the meaning by the argument’s position. For example, the values 200 and 100 in size(200, 100) are implicit arguments. The first value is always interpreted as the width; the second value is always interpreted as the height. See also named argument.


A Boolean value is a yes/no value, something that is on or off, shown or hidden, true or false, 1 or 0, yes or no. A value listed as being a Boolean value is one that evaluates to true or false (or missing).


In syntax summaries, a placeholder for any reference to a data table column. For example, Column("age").


A generic description for a JSL statement that performs an action. The Scripting Guide prefers the more specific terms function and message when they are applicable.

current data table

The current data table is the data table that Current Data Table() either returns or is assigned.

current row

The current row for scripting is defined to be zero (no row) by default. You can set a current row with Row() or For Each Row, and so forth.


Although the term is much more general, for JMP’s purposes, the word “database” describes any external data source (such as SQL) accessed through ODBC with JSL’s Open Database command.


A Datafeed is a method to read real-time data continuously, such as from a laboratory measurement device connected to a serial port.


In syntax summaries, a placeholder for any reference to a display box. For example, report(Bivariate[1]).


In syntax summaries, a placeholder for any reference to a data table. For example, Current Data Table() or Data Table("Big Class.jmp").

eliding operator

An eliding operator is one that causes arguments on either side to combine and evaluate differently than if the statement were evaluated strictly left to right. For example, 12<a<13 is a range check to test whether a is between 12 and 13: JMP reads the whole expression before evaluating. If < did not elide, the expression would be evaluated left to right as (12<a)<13. In other words, it would check whether the result of the comparison (1 or 0, for false or true) is below 13, which of course would always yield 1 for true. The << operator (for object<<message, which is equivalent to Send(object, message) is another example of an eliding operator.


A function takes an argument or series of arguments inside parentheses after the function name. For example, the infix operator + has a function equivalent Add(). The statements Equation shown here and Add(3, 4) are equivalent. All JSL’s operators have function equivalents, but not all functions have operator equivalents. For example, Sqrt(a) can be represented only by the function. Also see the Function operator for storing a function under a name.

global variable

A global variable is a name to hold values that exists for the remainder of a session. Globals can contain many types of values, including numbers, strings, lists, or references to objects. They are called globals because they can be referred to almost anywhere, not just in some specific context.


The head of a JSL expression is the expression without any of its arguments. For example, the head of the expression Assign( x, 100.1 ) is Assign().

infix operator

An infix operator takes one argument on each side, such as + in arithmetic, Equation shown here, or the = in an assignment, a=7.


Something that can be the destination of an assignment. In this manual, L-value describes an expression that normally returns its current value but that can alternatively receive an assignment to set its value. For example, you would ordinarily use a function such as Row() to get the current row number and assign it to something else. For example, x=Row(). However, since Row is an L-value, you can also place it on the left side of an assignment to set its value. For example, Row()=10.


A list is a multiple-item data type entered in special brace { } notation or with the List function. Lists enable scripts to work with many things at once, often in the place of a single thing.


A matrix is a JMP data type for a rectangular array of rows and columns of number. In JSL, matrices are entered in bracket [ ] notation or with the Matrix function.


A message is a JSL statement that is directed to an object, which knows how to execute the message.


In JMP data tables, metadata are data about the data, such as the source of the data, comments about each variable, scripts for working with the data, and so on.


An event generated by pressing down the mouse button. See “Handle()” and “Mousetrap()”.


An event generated by releasing the mouse button. See “Handle()” and “Mousetrap()”.


A name is a reference to a JSL object. For example, when you assign the numeric value 3 to a global variable in the statement a=3, “a” is a name.


A namespace is a collection of unique names and corresponding values. Namespaces are useful for avoiding name collisions between different scripts.

named argument

A named argument is an optional argument that you select from a predetermined set and explicitly define. For example, HexToNumber(hextext, <Base(number)>) has a single named argument, Base. This is the fixed name that must directly be in the HexToNumber argument.

ODBC database

The Microsoft standard for Open DataBase Connectivity. JSL supports access to any ODBC-enabled data source through the Open Database command.


In syntax summaries, a placeholder for any reference to an analysis platform. For example, Bivariate[1].


An object is a dynamic entity in JMP, such as a data table, a data column, a platform results window, a graph, and so forth. Most objects can receive messages telling them to act on themselves in some way.


Usually operator refers to a one- or two-character symbol such as + for addition or <= for less than or equal to.


POSIX is an acronym for Portable Operating System Interface and is a registered trademark of the IEEE. POSIX pathnames enable you to use one syntax for paths for any operating system, instead of having to use a different syntax for each.

postfix operator

A postfix operator takes on argument on its left side (before the operator), such as a++ for postincrement or a– – for postdecrement.

pre-evaluated statistics

Statistics that are calculated once and used as constants thereafter.

prefix operator

A prefix operator takes one argument on its right side (after the operator), such as !a for negation.


A way to address a scriptable object in order to send it messages. For example,. column("age") or Current Data Table() or Bivariate[1]. Typically a reference is stored in a global variable for convenience.

row state

A data element type to store any combination of the following attributes for data rows: excluded, hidden, labeled, selected, color, marker, hue, shade.


A simple non-matrix numeric value.

scoping operator

A scoping operator forces a name to be interpreted as a particular type of data element, for example the : operator in :name forces name to be resolved as a column; the :: operator in ::name forces name to be resolved as a global variable. In the rare case that you do want to share specific variables among all opened projects, use the ::: root operator.


Omitting the Boolean argument for a row state command toggles the setting. If the option is off, the message turns it on. If the option is on, the message turns it off. Sending such a command repeatedly flips back and forth between on and off. If you include the Boolean argument, the command sets an absolute on or off state, and sending the command repeatedly has no further effect. For all other messages, omitting the Boolean argument enables the option.


A matrix with only one column or row.

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