DRAFT help

Publication date: 09/20/2024

Statistical Details for the Tests Report

This section contains details for the Tests report in the Contingency platform.

Rsquare (U)

Rsquare (U) is computed as follows:

Equation shown here

The total negative log-likelihood is found by fitting fixed response rates across the total sample.


The computations for the two chi-square tests are described in this section.

The likelihood ratio chi-square test statistic is computed as twice the negative log-likelihood for Model in the Tests table. Some books use the notation G2 for this statistic. The difference of two negative log-likelihoods, one with whole-population response probabilities and one with each-population response rates, is defined as follows:

Equation shown here where Equation shown here and Equation shown here

This formula can be more compactly written as follows:

Equation shown here

The Pearson chi-square test statistic is calculated by summing the squares of the differences between the observed and expected cell counts. The Pearson chi-square test exploits the property that frequency counts tend to a normal distribution in very large samples. The Pearson chi-square statistic is defined as follows:

Equation shown here

where O is the observed cell counts and E is the expected cell counts. The summation is over all cells. There is no continuity correction done here, as is sometimes done in 2 x 2 tables.

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