DRAFT help

Publication date: 09/20/2024

Image shown hereStructural Equation Model Fit Report

Each time you click Run in the Model Specification report, a Structural Equation Model report for the specified model appears. By default, this report contains a Summary of Fit report, a Parameter Estimates report, and a Path Diagram.

Note: When you specify a Groups variable in the launch window, there is a separate model fit report for each level of the Groups variable. You can navigate between these reports using the group tabs above the Structural Equation Model fit report outline box.

Summary of Fit

Table of information about the model fit, including the convergence status and the estimation method. When you specify a Groups variable in the launch window, this table contains a second column for statistics that refer only to the level of the Groups variable in the current model fit tab. The following statistics are reported in this table:

Sample Size

The number of observations (rows) used to fit the model.

Rows with Missing

The number of observations (rows) that contained at least one missing value. All missing values are handled using full information maximum likelihood (Finkbeiner 1979).

-2 Log Likelihood

The log-likelihood of the fitted model multiplied by -2. This value can be used to compare nested models; the difference between two models’ -2 Log Likelihood values is chi-square distributed with degrees of freedom equal to the difference of degrees of freedom between the models. See “Likelihood, AICc, and BIC” in Fitting Linear Models.


The number of iterations used to fit the model.

Number of Parameters

The number of freely estimated parameters in the model.


The corrected Akaike information criterion. This value can be used to compare models, where a smaller number indicates a better model fit. See AICc, BIC, and BICu.


The BIC relative to the unrestricted model (BICu) is a reformulation of the Bayesian information criterion. The BICu is defined as a comparison to the unrestricted model. A negative value supports the fitted model, and a positive value supports the unrestricted model. Similar to other information criteria, this value can be used to compare models, where a smaller number between two models indicates the better fitting model. See AICc, BIC, and BICu.


The chi-square statistic for the model.


The degrees of freedom for the chi-square test for model fit.


The p-value of the chi-square statistic for the model.


The Bentler’s comparative fit index (CFI) provides additional guidance for determining model fit. The CFI is bounded between 0 and 1. Values greater than 0.90 are preferred (Browne and Cudeck 1993; Hu and Bentler 1999). See CFI.


The root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) provides additional guidance for determining model fit. The RMSEA is bounded between 0 and 1. Values less than 0.10 are preferred (Browne and Cudeck 1993; Hu and Bentler 1999). See RMSEA.

Lower 90%

The 90% lower confidence limit for the RMSEA. See RMSEA.

Upper 90%

The 90% upper confidence limit for the RMSEA. See RMSEA.

Parameter Estimates

Table of estimates for the model parameters. The table is organized in sections for Means/Intercepts, Loadings, Regressions, and Variances. For each estimate, a standard error (Std Error), Wald test statistic (Wald Z), and a corresponding p-value (Prob>|Z|) are given. When you specify a Groups variable in the launch window, this table contains parameter estimates only for the level of the Groups variable in the current model fit tab.

Tip: The Parameter Estimates table contains additional hidden columns. To show these columns, right-click the table and select the additional columns from the Columns submenu.

Path Diagram

Shows the path diagram representation of the fitted model. See Diagram Tab. When you specify a Groups variable in the launch window, this diagram represents only the level of the Groups variable in the current model fit tab.

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