DRAFT help

Publication date: 09/20/2024

Text Box Messages

Text Box<<Font Color(n)

Sets the color for Text quoted strings.

Text Box<<Get Hidden State

Returns the current state of a text box.

Text Box<<Get Text

Returns the quoted string content of the box.

Text Box<<Get Tip

Returns the tooltip for the text box (or a text edit box).

Text Box<<Markup

Returns text formatted with the specified HTML tags. The HTML must be well-formed; make sure you close nested tags correctly.

The following example returns text formatted in bold, italic, and underlined.

w = New Window( "Formatted Text",
	Text Box( "This is <b>bold</b> text. This is <b><i>bold italic</i></b> text. This is <u>underlined</u> text.",
	<<Markup) );

Text Box<<Rotate Text(direction)

Rotates the text 90 degrees "Left" or "Right", or returns it to horizontal.

Text Box<<Set Font(name, <size>, <style|style style...>, <angle>)

Sets the font specified in the quoted name argument and the properties for text quoted strings. To specify more than one style, include a space between each style and place them in quotes.

Text Box<<Set Font Size(n)

Sets the font size in points for text quoted strings.

Text Box<<Set Script(script)

Associate a script with a text box. The script executes when the user presses Enter (or the text edit box otherwise loses focus).

Text Box<<Set Text(quoted string)

Sets the text in the box as specified in the quoted string argument.

Text Box<<Set Tip(quoted string)

Sets the tooltip for the text box (or a text edit box) as specified in the quoted string argument.

Text Box<<Set Wrap(n)

Set the wrap point, in pixels, in pixels (n).

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