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Using JMP > Workflow Builder > Workflow Builder Options > Workflow Builder Red Triangle Menu Options
Publication date: 09/20/2024

Workflow Builder Red Triangle Menu Options

The Workflow Builder red triangle menu contains the following options.

Display Options

Shows a submenu of options that enable you to control the workflow display.

Presentation Mode

Sets the workflow to presentation mode where the Log History is hidden and the ability to edit the workflow is limited.

Show History

Shows or hides the JMP Log History.

Show History Grouped by Age

(Available when the JMP Log History is visible.) Groups or ungroups history based on time.

Show Enable Checkboxes

Shows or hides check boxes on the workflow to enable or disable steps in the workflow.

Show Controller

Shows or hides a window with workflow controls.

Add Custom Step

Adds a custom step specified by JSL code.

Set Notes

Enables you to add a simple note to the workflow.

Tip: Use the Notes section in the Step Settings to annotate individual steps.

Log Executed Steps

Records executed steps to the Log. See “Enhanced Log in JMP” in the Scripting Guide.


As the workflow executes, it prompts the user for tables or columns that are not found in order to continue the workflow. The References menu contains the following options.

Allow Replacement of References

(Selected by default.) Enables the workflow to prompt for unknown tables or columns.

Note: If a data table is not found by an Open() step, the step fails, and the Workflow stops executing. Click Image shown here to resume the workflow. When the workflow reaches a step that uses a table that was not opened, a prompt to open the table or to select a different table appears.

Clear Replacements

(Available after executing a workflow with replacements.) Clears the previously selected replacement tables or columns.


Opens the Reference Manager window to manage table and column references. Set prompts, when to prompt, and what to prompt for with each workflow run. See Workflow Builder Reference Manager.

Tip: Use the Manage option to prompt for the data table and column selections on each run to generalize your workflow.


Shows a submenu of options that enable you to customize a workflow with advanced options.

Include Workflow

Enables you to add a step that dynamically includes an existing workflow.

Import Workflow

Enables you to import the steps from a saved workflow into the current workflow.

Temporary Subset

Adds an action to create a temporary table subset to use for workflow debugging.

Add If

Adds a conditional statement to your workflow. Use this option in conjunction with the Else statement to allow for a user selection.

Add Else

Adds a conditional statement to your workflow. Use this option in conjunction with the If statement to allow for a user selection.

Add Return

Adds a condition to evaluate in order to terminate the workflow early.

Add for Each

Adds a loop to your workflow. Iterate over tables from a preceding step or group of steps. Also available for JSL lists.

Allow Backstep

Enables the user to back up a step in the workflow. This is a useful option to have enabled as you record and work on a workflow. Once complete, disable to increase the execution speed of the workflow.

Tip: During development, disable when working with large data tables if you encounter slowness in your workflow.

Name Default to Here

Sets the names to local names.


Provides options to export a workflow.

Duplicate Workflow

Opens a duplicate workflow window.

Add Steps to Journal

Adds the steps from the most recent execution of the workflow to a Journal. Each step is a journal entry with a JSL code outline and thumbnails of output generated at that step.

Save to Script Window

Saves the JSL from the workflow to a script window. This enables the use of the script outside of the Workflow Builder.

Create Workflow Package

Opens the Workflow Package configuration window. Use a Workflow Package to share your workflow. Make selections for runtime settings and data source inclusion. Runtime settings control the ability of the package user to make changes to the package.

Presentation Mode

(Automatically selected for a locked workflow.) Sets the workflow in presentation mode.


Locks the workflow. In particular, the user is not able to exit out of the presentation mode to make changes to the workflow steps. The lock is not intended as a security measure. The JSL for each step is visible when one hovers over a step.

Note: Additional options for this platform are available through scripting. Open the Scripting Index under the Help menu. In the Scripting Index, you can also find examples for scripting the options that are described in this section.

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