Scripting Guide > Programming Methods > Scripting BY Groups
发布日期: 04/13/2021

Scripting BY Groups

By group arguments are supported for these functions: ColMean(), ColStdDev(), ColNumber(), ColNMissing(), ColMinimum(), ColMaximum().

Any number of BY arguments can be specified, and you can use expressions for the BY arguments. BY arguments must be used in a column formula, or in the context of ForEachRow(). The first argument can also be a general numeric expression.

Here is an example:

dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Big" );
dt << New Column( "Mean of height by sex", Numeric, Formula( Col Mean( :height, :sex ) ) );
dt << New Column( "Minimum of height by sex and age",
	Formula( Col Minimum( :height, :sex, :age ) )
dt << Distribution( Continuous Distribution( Column( :height ) ), By( :sex ) );
dt << Tabulate(
	Show Control Panel( 0 ),
	Add Table(
		Column Table(
			Analysis Columns( :height ),
			Statistics( Mean, N, Std Dev, Min, Max, N Missing )
		Row Table( Grouping Columns( :age, :sex ) )
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