发布日期: 09/18/2023

Distribution Script-Only Messages

The following message for a Distribution object is available only in JSL. The message creates an array of handles to the fitted distributions, so you can send commands to specific distributions:

dist_object << ( Fit Handle[n] << ...);

You can also get a reference to a fitted distribution directly if you send the Fit Distribution message to a Distribution object. This enables you to send commands to specific distributions:

fit_object = dist_object << Fit Distribution( distribution_name );
fit_object << ...;

The following message for a Distribution object is available only in JSL. The message specifies that PpK labeling be used in the Process Capability reports within the Distribution report object.

dist_object << PpK Capability Labeling( 1 );

The following message for a Distribution object is available only in JSL:

dist_object << Outlier Box Plot Row Cutoff( number );

The following messages for a Distribution object use the name of a fitted distribution, such as Fit Lognormal, and they are available only in JSL:

dist_object << Fit Distribution Name( Process Capability( Set Proabilities for Quantile Spec Limits( ... ) );
dist_object << Fit Distribution Name( Process Capability( Set Sigma Multiplier for Quantile Spec Limits( ... ) );
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