Scripting Guide > Creating Projects > Reset the Window Layout
发布日期: 09/18/2023

Reset the Window Layout

Suppose that you create a JMP project and customize the layout of the windows. For example, you might hide the Window List. Use the Reset Layout message to return the windows to their original layout.

project = New Project();
project << Run Script( // open data table and create a graph
              "$SAMPLE_DATA/Big", Set Window ID( "data" )
       New Window( "Big Class - Bivariate of weight by height",
              Set Window ID( "bivariate" ),
              Bivariate(Y( :weight ), X( :height ),
       ) << Set Window Icon( "Bivariate" );
Wait(3); // for demonstration purposes
project << Set Layout( // set a custom layout
       H Splitter Box(
              <<Set Sizes( {0.2, 0.8} ),
              Tab Page Box( Window ID( "Bookmarks" ) ), V Splitter Box(
                     <<Set Sizes( {0.53, 0.47} ),
                     Tab Page Box(
									Window ID( "bivariate" ) ),
                     Tab Page Box(
									Window ID( "data" ) )
Wait( 3 ); // for demonstration purposes
project << Reset Layout(); // return to the original layout
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