发布日期: 09/18/2023

SAS Integration Functions

As C Expr(x)


Returns a C programming language representation of the expression.


A quoted string.

As JavaScript Expr(x)


Returns a JavaScript representation of the expression.


A quoted string.

As JSON Expr(x)


Returns a JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) representation of the expression.


A quoted string.

As Python Expr(x)


Returns a Python representation of the expression.


A quoted string.

As SAS Expr(x)


Converts an expression to a version that is more suitable for SAS DATA step. The code must be wrapped in a PROC DS2 call. Use Expr(...) for literal expressions. Use NameExpr(name) for expressions stored in a variable. Otherwise, the expression returns the expression to convert.


A quoted string.

Current Metadata Connection()


Returns the active SAS metadata server connection, if any, as a scriptable object.

Current SAS Connection()


Gets the active global SAS server connection, if any, as a scriptable object.

Get SAS Version Preference()


Returns the SAS version selected in the SAS Integration page of the Preferences as a quoted string.

JMP6 SAS Compatibility Mode(Boolean)


Setting this to 1 (true) causes SAS operators to operate in a mode compatible with JMP 6 capabilities.

Meta Connect(<"machine", port>, <"authDomain">, <"username">, <"password">, <named arguments>)

Meta Connect(<Profile("profile name")>, <Password("password")>, <named arguments>)

Meta Connect(<Environment("environment name")>, <named arguments>)


Connects to a SAS Metadata Server. If no arguments are specified, an empty connection window appears. If some arguments are specified, a window partially filled in with the argument values appears. If all arguments are specified, the connection is made and no window appears.


1 if connection is successful, 0 if not.



(Optional) A quoted string that contains the DNS name of the machine.


Required if machine is specified. A quoted string or integer that contains the port on which the metadata server listens.


(Optional) A quoted string that contains the authentication domain for the credentials supplied. Not necessary unless username and password are included.


(Optional) A quoted string that contains the user name for the connection.


(Optional) A quoted string that contains the password for the connection.

Optional Named Arguments


A quoted string that contains the name of the metadata server connection profile from which connection information should be retrieved.


A quoted string that contains the name of the WIP environment from which connection information should be retrieved.


A quoted string that contains the password for the specified profile name.


If specified, Meta Connect returns the status of the I want to connect to a SAS Metadata Server option in the SAS Integration page of JMP Preferences. If that box is checked, Meta Connect returns 1; if not, 0.


Takes a quoted string that contains the name of the repository to which to connect.


If machine and port are specified rather than a profile name, and ProfileLookup is specified, an attempt is made to find a metadata server connection profile with a machine name and port matching those provided. If one is found, other connection information (such as authentication domain, user name, and password) is obtained from that profile.


Takes one of the keywords Always (always prompt before attempting to connect), Never (never prompt, just fail), or IfNeeded (the default; prompt if connection with the given arguments fails).

SASVersion("<version number>" <,Strict>)

Attempts to change the SAS version preference to the specified value before making the metadata server connection. If the SAS version is already locked to a different version than the one specified, the SASVersion argument will fail. By default, if the SAS version cannot be set, JMP will try the metadata server connection. However, if you include Strict as the second argument, the inability to change the SAS version will be treated as an error, and JSL processing will stop. If you do not include Strict, the SAS version argument is treated as a hint and will set the version preference if it can. JMP will still try to connect if the version cannot be set. The order you put these arguments in can make a difference. The attempt to change the SAS Version is made immediately when that argument is encountered. That can affect the validity of other arguments, particularly for MetaConnect. The only valid value for SASVersion is “9.4”. Note: Using the SASVersion argument has the same effect as changing the SAS Server Version on the SAS Integration Preferences page.


If no arguments are included and if no profile is saved, the Connect to SAS Metadata Server window appears.

If you connect to a physical workspace server, there is no metadata server involved, so metadata security is never applied. You must connect to a SAS Metadata Server and then connect to a logical workspace server. Then metadata security is enforced on the metadata-defined libraries you access.

Meta Create Profile("profile", <named arguments>)


Creates a metadata server connection profile and adds it to the current user’s set of saved metadata server connection profiles.


1 if profile was successfully created, otherwise 0.



A quoted string that contains the name of the created profile. If a profile by the given name already exists, MetaCreateProfile fails unless Replace is specified.

Optional Named Arguments


A quoted string that contains the name of the host computer running the SAS Metadata Server that this profile will connect to.


The port number (n) that the SAS Metadata Server is listening for connections on.

AuthenticationDomain("domain") | AuthDomain("domain")

A quoted string that sets the authentication domain to use for the connection.

Description("desc") | Desc("desc")

A quoted string that sets a description for this profile.


A quoted string that contains the password to store in this profile.


If name matches a profile that already exists, Replace must be specified for the existing profile to be replaced by the one provided. The default value is False (0).


A quoted string that contains the user name that this profile uses to connect to the SAS Metadata Server.


If specified, this profile attempts to use Single Sign-On (currently also known as Integrated Windows Authentication) to connect to the SAS Metadata Server. This option is valid only for connecting to SAS 9.4 Metadata Servers. If UseSingleSignOn is True(1), UserName and Password cannot be specified. The default value is False (0).

Meta Delete Profile("name")


Deletes the named metadata server connection profile from the current user’s set of saved metadata server connection profiles


1 if profile was successfully deleted, otherwise 0.



A quoted string that contains the name of the profile to delete.

Meta Disconnect()


Disconnect the current SAS Metadata Server connection, if any.



Meta Get Environments()


Returns a list of the SAS Environments that are defined in the SAS Environments definition file, which is configured in the SAS Preferences.

Meta Get Repositories()


Gets a list of the repositories available on the current SAS Metadata Server connection.


A list of repository names as quoted strings.

Meta Get Servers()


Get a list of the SAS Servers that are registered in the SAS Metadata Repository to which the session is currently connected.


A list of server names as quoted strings.

Meta Get Stored Process("path")


Get a stored process object from the currently connected SAS Metadata Repository.


Stored Process scriptable object.



Quoted string that is the path to the stored process in metadata, starting at the BIP Tree.

Meta Is Connected()


Determines whether a current connection to a SAS Metadata Server exists.


1 if a connection exists; 0 otherwise.



Meta Set Repository("repositoryName")


Set the SAS Metadata Repository to use for metadata searches.


1 if setting the repository was successful, 0 otherwise.



A quoted string that contains the name of the repository to make current.

SAS Assign Lib Refs("libref", "path", <"engine">, <"engine options">)


Assign a SAS libref on the active global SAS server connection.


1 if successful, 0 otherwise.



A quoted string that contains a library reference (8-character maximum) to assign.


A quoted string that contains the full path on the SAS server to the library being assigned.


Optional, quoted string that contains the engine for the SAS server to use when accessing members of this library.

engine options

Optional, quoted string that contains the options needed for the engine being used.

SAS Connect(<"machine_name">, <"port">, <named_arguments>)


Connect to a local, remote, or logical SAS server.


SAS Server scriptable object.



(Optional) A quoted string that can contain a physical machine name or the name of a metadata-defined (logical) server. In the first case, the port must be provided. In the second case, a port must not be provided. If neither name nor port are included, and JMP is running on Windows, a connection to SAS on the local machine (via COM) is attempted, and all named arguments are ignored.


(Optional) A quoted string or integer. If name is a physical machine name, this is the port on that machine to connect to. If name is a metadata-defined (logical) server, port must not be included.

Optional Named Arguments


A quoted string that contains the user name for the connection.


A quoted string that contains the password for the connection.


A Boolean. The default value is True. If True, and a successful SAS server connection is made, this connection replaces the active SAS connection that becomes the target of other global SAS JSL function calls. If False, the global SAS connection is not changed, and the returned SASServer scriptable object should be used to send messages to this server connection.


A Boolean. The default value is False. If True, other arguments (except ReplaceGlobalConnection) are ignored and the SAS Server Connection window appears. This provides the JSL programmer a way to open the SAS Connect window.


A keyword. Always means always prompt before attempting to connect. Never means never prompt even if the connection attempt fails (just fail and send an error message to the log), and IfNeeded (the default value) means prompt if the attempt to connect with the given arguments fails (or is not possible with the information given).


A Boolean. Defaults to the SAS Integration Preference setting governing whether to automatically connect metadata-defined libraries when connecting to a SAS server. If true, all metadata-defined libraries are connected at SAS server connection time, which can be time-consuming. If false, metadata-defined libraries are not connected. To connect specific libraries later, use the SAS Connect Libref global function or Connect Libref message to a SAS server object.

SASVersion("<version number>" <,Strict>)

Attempts to change the SAS version preference to the specified value before making the metadata server connection. If the SAS version is already locked to a different version than the one specified, the SASVersion argument will fail. By default, if the SAS version cannot be set, the metadata server connection will still be tried. However, if you include Strict as the second argument, the inability to change the SAS version will be treated as an error and JSL processing will stop. If you do not include Strict, the SAS version argument is treated as a hint and will set the version preference if it can, but if it cannot it will still try to connect. The order you put these arguments in can make a difference. The attempt to

change the SAS Version is made immediately when that argument is encountered.

That can affect the validity of other arguments, particularly for MetaConnect. The only valid value for SASVersion is “9.4”. Note: Using the SASVersion argument has the same effect as changing the SAS Server Version on the SAS Integration Preferences page.


// prompt for login credentials
Meta Connect( "dev.company.com", 28561 );
sas = SAS Connect( "SASApp" );
// dump some libraries and data sets to the JMP log
Show( sas << Get Librefs() );
Show( sas << Get Data Sets( "Chocolate Enterprises 2017" ));
sas << Import Data( "Chocolate Enterprises 2017", "Products" );
/* The preceding lines produce the following text in the JMP log and import the data set: */
sas << Get Data Sets("Chocolate Enterprises 2008"):{"CHOC_DATA", "CHOC_SURVEY", "CUSTOMERS", "ORDER_DETAIL", "PRODUCTS", "SALES_ANALYSIS", "SALES_SUMMARY"}

Get Librefs returns the short library names, not the longer logical names. However, you can use either one, and metadata security will still be applied for metadata-defined libraries.

SAS Connect Lib Refs(libref)


Connects a SAS libref on the active SAS server connection.


1 if successful and 0 otherwise.

SAS Deassign Lib Refs("libref")


De-assign a SAS libref on the active global SAS server connection.


1 if successful; 0 otherwise.



A quoted string that contains the library reference to de-assign.

SAS Disconnect()


Disconnect the active global SAS connection, if any.


1 if a SAS connection exists and was successfully disconnected, 0 otherwise.



SAS Export Data(dt, "library", "dataset", <named_arguments>)


Exports a JMP data table to a SAS data set in a library on the active global SAS server connection.


1 if the data table was exported successfully; 0 otherwise.



data table or a reference to a data table.


the library to which to export the data table.


the name of the new SAS data set.

Optional Named Arguments

Columns(list)|Columns(col1, col2, ...)

A list of columns or a comma-separated list of columns.


A quoted string that contains the password to serve as the READ, WRITE, and ALTER password for the exported SAS data set. If the exported data set is replacing an existing data set with an ALTER password, this password is used as the ALTER password for overwriting the data set. If Password is specified, values for ReadPassword, WritePassword, and AlterPassword are ignored.


A quoted string that contains the password to serve as the READ password for the exported SAS data set.


A quoted string that contains the password to serve as the WRITE password for the exported SAS data set.


A quoted string that contains the password to serve as the ALTER password for the exported SAS data set. If the exported data set is replacing an existing data set with an ALTER password, this password is used as the ALTER password for overwriting the data set.


A Boolean. If true and the JMP data table originally came from SAS, the original SAS column names are used in the exported SAS data set. The default value is False.


A Boolean. If true and the JMP data table originally came from SAS, the original SAS formats and informats are applied to the columns in the exported SAS data set. The default value is True.


A Boolean. If true, an existing SAS data set with the specified name in the specified library is replaced by the exported SAS data set. If false, a data set with the specified name already exists in the specified library; the export is stopped. The default value is false.


Includes SAS 9.4 Extended Attributed to store JMP metadata (such as table script and column properties). Default is 0 (disabled).


A Boolean. If true, any rows in the JMP data table that are marked as excluded are not exported. The default value is false.


Information about the export is sent to the log.

SAS Get Data Sets("libref")


Returns a list of the data sets defined in a SAS library.


A list of quoted strings.



A quoted string that contains the SAS libref or friendly library name associated with the library for which the list of defined SAS data sets is returned.

SAS Get File("source", "dest", "encoding")


Get a file from the active global SAS server connection. JMP creates a FILENAME statement (with an encoding, if specified) and uses it to read the file on the SAS server.


1 if successful, 0 otherwise.



A quoted string that contains the full path of file on the server to be downloaded to the client machine.


A quoted string that contains the full path on the client machine for where to put the copy of the file downloaded from the server.


A quoted string that contains the encoding used in the file (for example, "utf-8"). The server must support the specified encoding.

SAS Get File Names("fileref")


Get a list of filenames found in the given fileref on the active global SAS server connection.


A list of quoted strings.



A quoted string that contains the name of the fileref from which to retrieve filenames.

SAS Get File Names In Path("path")


Get a list of filenames found in the given path on the active global SAS server connection.


A list of quoted strings.



A quoted string that contains the directory path on the server from which to retrieve filenames.

SAS Get File Refs()


Get a list of the currently defined SAS filerefs on the active global SAS server connection.


List of two lists. The first list is a list of quoted strings of fileref names. The second is a corresponding list of strings of physical names.

SAS Get Lib Refs(<named arguments>)


Get a list of the currently defined SAS librefs on the current global SAS server connection.


A list of quoted strings.

Named Arguments

Friendly Names(0|1)

Optional, Boolean. If True, then for any libraries that have friendly names (metadata-defined libraries), the friendly name is returned rather than the 8-character libref.

SAS Get Log()


Retrieve the SAS Log from the active global SAS server connection.


A quoted string.

SAS Get Output()


Retrieve the listing output from the last submission of SAS code to the current global SAS server connection.


A quoted string.

SAS Get Results()


Retrieve the results of the previous SAS Submit as a scriptable object, which allows significant flexibility in what to do with the results.


A SAS Results Scriptable object.

SAS Get Var Names(string, <"dataset">, <password("password")>)


Retrieves the variable names contained in the specified data set on the current global SAS server connection.


A list of quoted strings.



A quoted string that contains one of the following:

The name of the SAS Library containing the SAS data set to be imported. In that case, the dataset name argument is required.

The full member name of the SAS data set to be imported, in the form “libname.membername”.

The SAS Folders tree path to a logical SAS data table to be imported. This option requires a connection to a SAS 9.4 Metadata Server.


(Optional) A quoted string that contains the name of the data set from which to retrieve variable names.


(Optional) A quoted string that contains the read password for the data set. If this is not provided and the data set has a read password, the user is prompted to enter it.

SAS Import Data(string, <"dataset">, <named arguments>)


Import a SAS data set from the active global SAS server connection into a JMP table.


JMP Data Table object.



A quoted string that contains one of the following:

The name of the SAS Library containing the SAS data set to be imported. In that case, the "dataset" name argument is required. The name can be a friendly metadata library name or a SAS 8-character library name.

The full member name of the SAS data set to be imported, in the form “libname.membername”.

The SAS Folders tree path to a logical SAS data table to be imported. This option requires a connection to a SAS 9.4 Metadata Server.


(Optional) A quoted string that contains the name of the data set.

Optional Named Arguments

Columns("list")|Columns(col1, col2, ...)

A quoted string list or multiple strings that contain the names of columns to include in the import.


The default value is True (1). If True and custom formats are found in the SAS data set being imported, an attempt is made to convert the SAS custom formats to JMP value labels for those columns.


The default value is False (0). If true, the JMP data table is hidden from view. The data table appears only in the JMP Home Window and the Window menu. Hidden data tables remain in memory until they are explicitly closed, reducing the amount of memory that is available to JMP. To explicitly close the hidden data table, call Close(dt), where dt is the data table reference returned by SASImportData.


A quoted string that contains the filter to use when importing data, as in Where("salary<50000").


A quoted string that contains the read password for the data set. If this is not provided and the data set has a read password, the user is prompted to enter it.


If True, the labels from the SAS data set become the column names in the resulting JMP table. If False, the variable names from the SAS data set become the column names in the JMP table. The default value is False.


Includes SAS 9.4 Extended Attributed to store JMP metadata. Default is 0 (disabled).

Sample(named arguments)

optional, named. Allows a random sample of the SAS data set to be imported into JMP. If both Where and Sample are specified, the WHERE clause is used to filter the SAS data set first, and then a random sample of the resulting rows is taken based on the arguments supplied to Sample. Note that Sample uses PROC SURVEYSELECT on the SAS server, which is available only if the SAS/STAT package is licensed and installed on that server. The documentation for PROC SURVEYSELECT might be helpful in understanding how sampling is performed. By default (if no arguments are supplied), a 5% simple random sample is taken. Here are the available arguments (all optional):

Simple | Unrestricted: If Simple is specified, sampling is performed without replacement. If Unrestricted is specified, sampling is performed with replacement. These two options are mutually exclusive and only one can be specified.

SampleSize(int) | N(int): Total number of rows for the sample, or number of rows per strata level for stratified sampling

SampleRate(number) | Rate(number) | Percent(number): Specifies the sampling rate. For stratified sampling, the rate is applied to each strata level. Note that the supplied value is assumed to be a percentage, so SampleRate(3.5) means a 3.5% sampling rate.

Strata({col1, col2, ...}) | Strata(col1, col2, ...): Perform stratified random sampling using the column names supplied as Strata variables.

NMin(int): Minimum number of rows (either overall or per strata level for stratified sampling) to return. Only applies to rate-based sampling.

NMax(int): Maximum number of rows (either overall or per strata level for stratified sampling) to return. Only applies to rate-based sampling.

Seed(int): Number to use as the seed for sampling. Useful for replicating the same sample. By default, the seed is a random number based on time of day. See PROC SURVEYSELECT documentation.

OutputHits(0|1): Boolean; the default value is false. When doing Unrestricted sampling, if the same row of the input data set is selected more than once, by default that row still appears only once in the resulting JMP data table, with the NumberHits column indicating the number of times that the row was selected. Setting OutputHits to true causes an input row that is selected multiple times to appear multiple times in the resulting JMP data table.

SelectAll(0|1): Boolean, the default value is true. If SelectAll is true, PROC SURVEYSELECT selects all stratum rows whenever the stratum sample size exceeds the total number of rows in the stratum. If SelectAll is false and PROC SURVEYSELECT finds a case where the stratum sample size exceeds the total number of rows in a given stratum, an error results and sampling fails. SelectAll only applies to Simple random sampling.


If True, an SQL table variable is created in the resulting JMP table that shows the SQL that was submitted to SAS to obtain the data. If False, the SQL table variable is not created. The default value is True. If an SQL table variable is created and the data set required a read password, the password is masked.

SAS Import Query("sqlquery", <named arguments>)


Execute the requested SQL query on the current global SAS server connection, importing the results into a JMP data table.


JMP Data Table object.



A quoted string that contains the SQL query to perform and from which to import the result.

Optional Named Arguments


The default value is true. If true and custom formats are found in the SAS data set being imported, an attempt is made to convert the SAS custom formats to JMP value labels for those columns.


The default value is false. If true, the JMP data table is hidden from view. The data table appears only in the JMP Home Window and the Window menu. Hidden data tables remain in memory until they are explicitly closed, reducing the amount of memory that is available to JMP. To explicitly close the hidden data table, call Close(dt), where dt is the data table reference returned by SAS Import Query.


The default value is true. If True, the labels from the SAS data set become the column names in the resulting JMP table. If False, the variable names from the SAS data set become the column names in the JMP table.


Includes SAS 9.4 Extended Attributes to store JMP metadata. Default is 0 (disabled).


The default value is true. If True, an SQL table variable is created in the resulting JMP table that shows the SQL that was submitted to SAS to obtain the data. If False, the SQL table variable is not created. If an SQL table variable is created and the data set required a read password, the password is masked.

SAS Is Connected()


Discovers whether there is an active global SAS server connection.


1 if an active global SAS connection exists, 0 otherwise.

SAS Is Local Server Available()


Returns True if a local SAS Server is available; otherwise, returns False.

SAS Load Text File("path")


Download the file specified in path from the active global SAS server connection and retrieve its contents as a quoted string.


A quoted string.



A quoted string that contains the full path on the server of the file to download and retrieve the contents as a string.

SAS Name("name")

SAS Name({list of names})


Converts JMP variable names to SAS variable names by changing special characters and blanks to underscores and various other transformations to produce a valid SAS name.


A quoted string that contains one or more valid SAS names, separated by spaces.



A quoted string that represents a JMP variable name; or a list of quoted JMP variable names.

SAS Open For Var Names("path")


Opens a SAS data set only to obtain the names of its variables, returning those names as a list of quoted strings.


A list of variable names in the file.



A quoted string that is a pathname of a SAS data set.

SAS Send File("source", "dest", "encoding")


Send a file from the client machine to the active global SAS server connection. JMP creates a FILENAME statement (with an encoding, if specified) and uses it to save the file on the SAS server.


1 if successful, 0 otherwise.



A quoted string that contains the full path of the file on the client machine to be uploaded to the server.


A quoted string that contains the full path on the server that receives the file uploaded from the client machine.


A quoted string that contains the encoding used in the file (for example, “utf-8”). The server must support the specified encoding.

SAS Submit("sasCode", <named arguments>)


Submit some SAS code to the active global SAS server connection.


1 if successful, 0 otherwise.



A quoted string that contains the SAS code to submit.

Optional Named Arguments


A Boolean. If True (1), the submit occurs asynchronously (in the background). Use the Get Submit Status() message on the SAS Server Scriptable Object to determine the status of the submit. The default value is False (0).


A Boolean. When SAS data sets generated by submitted SAS code are imported into JMP after the submit completes (see Open Output Datasets), the value of ConvertCustomFormats determines whether an attempt is made to convert any custom formats found on columns in the SAS data to JMP value labels. The default value is True (1).

DeclareMacros(var1, var2, ...)

JSL variable names. Provides a simple way to pass the values of JSL variables to SAS as macro variables. Each JSL variable specified should evaluate to a quoted string or numeric value. Fully qualified JSL variables names, only the variable name is sent to SAS. For example, namespace:variable_name becomes variable_name in SAS.

GetSASLog(<Boolean|OnError>, <JMPLog|Window>)

A Boolean. If no arguments are supplied, the SAS Log is retrieved and displayed in the location indicated in SAS Integration Preferences. The first argument to GetSASLog can be either a Boolean value or the keyword OnError. If a Boolean value is supplied, true means display the SAS Log, and false means not to display it. OnError instructs JMP to only show the SAS Log if an error occurred in the submit. The second argument to GetSASLog tells JMP where to display the SAS Log. If JMPLog is specified, the SAS Log is appended to the JMP Log. If Window is specified, the SAS Log is opened in a separate window.

GraphicsDevice(string) or GDevice(string)

A quoted string that specifies a value for the GDEVICE SAS option to be used for graphics generated by the submitted SAS code. The value must be a valid SAS graphics device. The default value is determined in Preferences.


JMP includes the QUIT statement in the generated wrapper code. Interactive PROCs work even if JMP is generating the ODS wrapper. On every SUBMIT, specify the argument that is part of an interactive sequence. Otherwise, QUIT will be generated in both the prologue-generated and epilogue-generated code.


A Boolean. If True, the SAS Output window containing the listing output from the submission does not appear. The default value is False.


If true, additional SAS code is submitted causing ODS results to be generated for the submitted SAS code. The default value is determined in Preferences.


A quoted string that determines the format of generated ODS results. Valid values are “HTML”, “RTF”, and “PDF”. The default value is determined in Preferences.


If true, ODS statistical graphics are generated for the submitted SAS code. Setting ODSGraphics to true causes ODS to also be set to true. The default value is determined in Preferences.


A quoted string that specifies the ODS Style to use when generating ODS results. String must be a valid SAS Style. The default value is determined in Preferences.


A quoted string that specifies a local CSS style sheet to use when formatting generated ODS results. Path must be a path to a CSS file valid for the client machine (the machine running JMP). The default value is determined in Preferences.


A quoted string that specifies a JSL script that should be run when the submit completes. This is especially useful for asynchronous submits. If script is the name of a defined JSL function, that function is executed, with the SAS Server scriptable object passed as the first argument.


If true, ODS results that are generated by the submitted SAS code (due to ODS being true) are automatically opened after the submit completes. The default value is True (1).

OpenOutputDatasets(<All|None|dataset1, dataset2, ...>)

JMP detects when submitted SAS code creates new SAS data sets. OpenOutputDatasets (which can be abbreviated OutData) determines what, if anything, is done with those data sets with the SAS Submit completes. If All is specified, all data sets generated by the SAS code are imported into JMP when the SAS Submit completes. If None is specified, none of the generated data sets are imported. If there are specific data sets known to be generated by the submitted SAS code that you want to be imported into JMP when the SAS submit completes, you can alternative provide their names, and only the requested data sets are imported. The default value is determined in Preferences.


A quoted string that specifies the window title to use for the window that displays ODS output from the submit.

SAS Submit File("filename", <named arguments>)


Submit a SAS code file to the active global SAS server connection.


1 if successful; 0 otherwise.



A quoted string that contains the name of file containing SAS code to submit.

Named Arguments

Same as for SAS Submit.

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