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You can use the Any() or All() functions to summarize matrix comparison results. Any() returns a 1 if any element is nonzero. All() returns a 1 if all elements are nonzero.
[2 2] == [1 2]; // returns [0 1], therefore:
All( [2 2] == [1 2] ); // returns 0
Any( [2 2] == [1 2] ); // returns 1
Min() or Max() return the minimum or maximum element from the matrix or matrices given as arguments.
A = [1 2 3, 4 5 6, 7 8 9, 10 11 12];
B = [0 1 2, 2 1 0, 0 1 1, 2 0 0];
Min( A ); // returns 1
Max( A ); // returns 12
Min( A, B ); // returns 0