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feed = Open Datafeed( );
If( Length( line ) >= 14,
x = NumSubstr( line, 11, 3 ) );
If( !Is Missing( x ),
dt << Add Row( {thickness = x} )
feed << Set Script( myScript );
dt = New Table( "Gap Width" ); // make a data table with one column
dc = dt << New Column( "gap", Numeric, Best );
dt << Set Property(
"Control Limits",
{XBar( Avg( 20 ), LCL( 19.8 ), UCL( 20.2 ) )}
dt << Set Property( "Sigma", 0.1 );
feed = Open Datafeed();
z = Num( line );
Show( line, z ); // if logging or debugging
If( !Is Missing( z ),
dt << Add Row( {:gap = z} )
feed << Set Script( feedScript );
Chart Col(
For( i = 1, i <= 20, i++,
feed << Queue Line( Char( 20 + Random Uniform() * .1 ) );
Wait( .1 ); // simulate a delay in the feed
You can further automate the production setting by placing a data feed script such as the one above in an On Open data table property. A property with this name is run automatically each time the table is opened (unless you set a preference to suppress execution). If you save such a data table as a template, opening the template runs the data feed script and creates a new data table.