Returns a reference to a new class object that is a copy of the obj class object.
Returns 1 if the obj class object contains the specified quoted string expression, and 0 otherwise.
obj<<Delete Class
Deletes the obj class object.
Returns 1 if the classref class object is equal to the obj class object, and 0 otherwise.
Returns the string representation of the name of the first member (item) in the obj class object. The members (items) in the class object are sorted in alphabetical order.
obj<<Get Contents
Returns a list of members (items) in the obj class object. Each element in the list is a two-item list that contains a key and an associated value.
obj<<Get Keys
Returns a list of keys within the obj class. Each key is a string representation of the name of a member (item) in the obj class object.
obj<<Get Name
Returns a string representation of the name of the obj class object.
obj<<Get Value(key string)
Returns the value of the specified member (item) within the obj class object. The quoted key string argument specifies the key to the member (item).
obj<<Get Values
Returns a list of values of the members (items) in the obj class object. Each element in the list is the expression that represents the value of each member (item) in the class.
obj<<Insert(string, value)
Inserts a member (item) into the obj class object. The quoted string argument is the name of the member (item), and the value argument is the expression value of the member (item).
obj<<Lock Class(<string|{stringList}>)
Locks the obj class object, or locks specific members (items) within the obj class object. When a class object is locked, members (items) cannot be added, changed, or removed. The quoted string or stringlist arguments specify a member (item) to lock. You can also specify a list of strings to lock multiple members (items).
obj<<N Items
Returns the number of members (items) in the obj class object.
Returns the string representation of the name of the member (item) in the obj class object that follows the member (item) specified by the quoted string. The members (items) in the class object are sorted in alphabetical order.
Removes the member (item) specified by the quoted string or stringlist from the obj class. You can remove multiple members (items) using a list of quoted strings.
obj<<Show Contents
Shows the contents of the obj class object in the log window.
obj<<Unlock Class(<string|{stringList}>)
Unlocks the obj class object, or unlocks specific members (items) within the obj class object. When a class object is unlocked, members (items) can be added, changed, or removed. The quoted string or stringlist specify a member (item) to unlock. You can also specify a list of quoted strings to unlock multiple members (items).