P-Value Operations Adjust all p-value variables together Alpha Annotation SAS Data Set Annotation Merge Variables Category Variable Censor Limit (-log10 scale) Censor Limit (-log or -log10 scale) Create significance indicator columns Effect Estimate or Direction Variable Effect Estimate or Direction Variable is the odds ratio Effect ID Variable Filter to Include Annotation Rows Filter to Include Observations Folder of Input SAS Data Sets ID Variable Input SAS Data Set Method to Use Multiple Testing Method Output rows with a significant p-value only Open Output Data Set Other Effect Variables Other ID Variables Other p-Value Variables Other Sample Size Variables Other Standard Error Variables Output Data Set Output File Prefix Output Folder p-Value Combination Method p-Value Variable p-Value Variables Primary Delimiter Separating Annotation Categories Sample Size Variable SAS Data Sets Secondary Delimiter Server Output Directory Standard Error Variable Study Study ID Variable Tau Value for TPM Transformation of Input p-Values Transformation of Output Adjusted p-Values Transformation of Output p-Values Variables By Which to Merge Annotation Data