JMP Genomics Files are Identified by Suffixes
Typical analyses in JMP Genomics often generate a large number of output files and data sets. This is especially true when input and output files are contained with the same folder, when a process produces multiple output files, or when the same output folder is used for multiple processes. If any or all of these conditions occur, the number of files in a folder can multiply dramatically. How do you identify and distinguish between the different files? More importantly, how do you prevent overwriting existing files with the output of subsequent processes, particularly when all of the files tend to be similarly named?
JMP Genomics adds a unique suffix to each output file generated by a process. Suffixes are specific to each process and are dependent on the type of content contained in the file. These suffixes enable you to identify different output files and to correlate them with specific processes. All of the suffixes used by JMP Genomics are listed alphabetically in the table below. Each suffix is defined both by the process that generates it and by the contents of the file that carries it.
Note: Even with the suffixes, it is still possible to overwrite existing files. You should take care to specify different names for output files when doing multiple runs with the same input files. Alternatively, you can specify different output folders.
File Suffix |
Processes Generating the File |
Function/Contents of the File |
_aag |
Output data set listing the input data plus the annotation analysis group variable |
_afr |
Output data set containing allele frequencies |
_afreqs |
_agc |
Output data set consisting of the input data merged with the annotation data set |
_ags |
Output data set containing correlation statistics for each experimental group array pair |
_alp |
Output data set |
_amc |
Output data set listing response and standardized residuals for each transcript cluster |
_amr |
Output data set listing annotation information and various statistics for the most significant markers |
_amr_sig |
Output data set containing the significant differences |
_an0 |
Output data set listing the markers (and their positions) found on each chromosome |
_anm |
Output data set with the same structure as the input data set but with normalized response variables |
_anmbody |
Output HTML body content |
_anmcontents |
Output HTML table of contents |
_anmframe |
Output HTML incorporating the body and table of contents |
_ann |
Output data set containing annotation information |
_api |
Output data set listing the X- and Y-coordinates, probeset IDs, and intensities for each spot on the specified array |
_ars |
Output data set listing standardized residuals for each observations in the input data set |
_as |
Output data set listing the relationship matrix generated using the allele sharing similarity estimate |
_asf |
Output data set containing the filtering results |
_asl |
Output data set containing the design and ID variables, DNA and RNA matching variables, genotype group, and log ratio data of DNA and RNA |
_asp |
Output data set containing affected sib-pair test statistics and .jsl file for plotting p-values |
_asp_sbg |
Output data set listing the number of significant markers for the selected affected sib-pair tests |
_asr |
Output data set containing the log-ratio of RNA intensity data for estimated homozygous genotypes |
_atan |
Annotation file created by ArrayTrack |
_bin |
Output data set listing the bins into which the probesets have been grouped. This data set also lists the physical position of the bin start site and the average intensity across the bin. |
_binned |
Output binned data |
_bnm |
Output data set containing the batch-normalized data |
_bnp |
Output data set containing the results of the principal components analysis |
_bns |
Output data set containing mu and standard deviation across batches |
_body |
Output HTML body content |
body |
Output HTML body content |
_Body |
Output HTML body content |
_bowa |
Output data set containing annotation data, and statistics on individual experiments and pair-wise comparisons |
_box |
Output data set listing the relative densities of spots on each array grouped by similar responses; used for drawing box plots |
_bsb |
Output data set containing mu and standard deviation across batches |
_bsc |
Output data set containing the batch-normalized data |
_cca |
Output data set containing case-control association test statistics and .jsl file for plotting p-values |
_ce |
Output data set generated from the merging of multiple tall SAS data sets |
_ceb |
Output data set listing the categories that show results displaying significance as specified by the binary significance variables |
_cec |
Output data set listing the categories that show results displaying significance as specified by the continuous significance variables |
_ceexp |
Output experimental design data set |
_cef |
Output data set containing the Fisher Exact test results for the binary significance variables |
_cep |
Output data set containing PAGE results for the continuous variables. |
_chrm |
Output data set |
_cim_out |
Output data set listing position and associated LOD scores for each marker |
_clm |
Output data set containing map, linkage group, marker, distance, and other matching and ordering information |
_cml |
Output data set listing the control markers used in the analysis |
_cna |
Output data set containing marker, location, and other annotation information |
_cnae |
Output data set containing experimental design information |
_cnp_indata |
Output data set containing input annotation data with additional output columns |
_contents |
Output HTML table of contents |
contents |
Output HTML table of contents |
_Contents |
Output HTML table of contents |
_cor |
Output data set listing the correlation of all the different variables in the input data |
_cov |
Output data set listing the covariates of all the different variables in the input data |
_cpg |
Output data set containing covariance parameter estimates for the genotype test. This data set is generated whenever any random effects are specified. |
_cpt |
Output data set containing covariance parameter estimates for the trend test. This data set is generated whenever any random effects are specified. |
_csn |
Output data set containing the normalized data |
_csne |
Output experimental design data set |
_dap |
A concatenated data set resulting from appending the rows of two different data sets |
_data |
SAS data set containing the imported data |
_dc |
Output data set containing LSMeans differences. Useful in ANOVA-related processes. |
_den |
Output data set used for plotting the overlaid kernel density estimate plot |
_det |
Output data set containing detailed information for each peak |
_dge |
Output experimental design data set when using Group variables |
_dgm |
Output data set when using Group variables |
_dlb |
Output data set in which the variables of the original data set have been relabeled |
_dln |
The output data set in which the lengths of the variables of the original data set have been resized |
_dmg |
The large data set resulting from merging two smaller data sets |
_dmt |
Output data set listing the measures of dissimilarity between all pairs of observations in the experiment |
_drk |
The output data set in which the individual values within each variable have been replaced with the ranking of that observation within the variable |
_drn |
The output data set in which the primary variables of the original data set have been renamed |
_dro |
The output data set in which the order of the variables in the original data set has been changed |
_drs |
Data set listing row-wise statistics for the primary data set. Rows meeting the criteria specified in the Delete Rows Satisfying this Expression box on the Options tab are excluded from the data set. |
_dsa |
Output data set containing all of the data from the input data set plus three additional columns. These include observation number, and two columns listing the predicted values for the dependent class variable. |
_dsav |
Lists the names of the variables selected and used for making predictions |
_dsm |
Data set listing summary statistics for the variables in the primary data set |
_dso |
Lists the statistics and associated predictions for each of the individuals in the input data set |
_dsov |
Lists the names of the variables selected and used for making predictions |
_dsp |
The modified data set resulting from executing SAS data step commands on a data set |
_dss |
Output subset data set |
_dst |
The output data set in which the variables in the input data set have been sorted according to specified key variables |
_dt |
Output detrended data set |
_dtf |
The output data set resulting from the mathematical transformation of specified variables in a primary data set |
_dtr |
The data set resulting from the transposition of a block of variables in the original data set |
_eg |
Output data set with multiallelic genotypes expanded into one column per allele |
_eg_anno |
Output annotation data set associating expanded genotype markers with markers |
_eig |
Output data set listing the Eigenvalues and associated experimental statistics |
_eigenval |
Output data set containing eigenvalues and cumulative variance for PCs |
_esc |
Output data set containing the scored data |
_est |
_exp |
_ffi |
Output data set in which individual values for the variables have been replaced with "0", if values are within defined parameters, or "1", if values are outside of those parameters |
_fin |
Output data set listing the filtered intensities |
_fnm |
Output data set with the same structure as the input data set, but with normalized response variables |
_fp |
Output data set containing statistics for forest plot |
_frame |
Output HTML incorporating the body and table of contents |
frame |
Output HTML incorporating the body and table of contents |
_Frame |
Output HTML incorporating the body and table of contents |
_fs |
Output annotation data set containing corrected strandedness for major/minor alleles |
_gea |
Output data set containing ANOVA statistics |
_gee |
Output data set containing stability statistics |
_gel |
Output data set containing genotype LS means |
_gem |
Output data set containing GxE LS means |
_gen |
Output data set containing ANOVA from linear-bilinear model |
_gep |
Output data set containing PCA statistics |
_ges |
Output data set containing scree plot statistics for PCs |
_gfr |
Output data set containing genotype frequencies |
_gfreqs |
_glm |
Lists the statistics and associated predictions for each of the individuals in the input data set |
_glmv |
Lists the names of the variables selected and used for making predictions |
_gma |
Output data set containing meta-analysis p-values and heterogeneity statistics |
_gma_sbg |
Output data set listing the number of significant markers for the selected association tests |
_gms |
Output data set containing the summarized data |
_gp |
Output data set listing the probabilities of observing specific QTL genotypes at each one cM interval along the chromosome(s) |
_gse |
Output data set containing enrichment test results |
_gsei |
Output data set containing 0-1 indicator variables for the categories |
_gtt |
Graph Time Trends drill down data set. |
_hc |
Output data set containing all of the variables from the input data set plus results (row means and standard values, the cluster to which each belongs and its place within the cluster) of the hierarchical clustering |
_hest |
.html output files, .jsl file for plotting p-values, and output data set containing association test statistics |
_hfr |
Output data set containing haplotype frequency estimates that can be used as input to the htSNP Selection process |
_her |
Output data set containing Haseman-Elston regression test statistics and .jsl file for plotting p-values |
_her_sbg |
Output data set listing the number of significant markers for the tests |
_hph |
Output data set containing phase assignment probabilities. This data set can be used as the input data set for the Haplotype Trend Regression process. |
_hrg |
Output data set containing dependent variables, window, and F-statistic information. |
_hrs |
Output data set containing dependent variables, haplotype and name, window, and F-statistic information. |
_hti |
Output data set that contains all the columns from the annotation data set with an additional htSNP Indicator column |
_htr |
.html output files |
_hts |
.html output files, .jsl file for displaying htSNPs, and output data set containing htSNP information |
_hwe |
Output data set containing HWE test statistics and other marker properties |
_hwe_sbg |
Output data set listing the number of significant markers for the HWE test |
_hwetest |
Output data set containing HWE test statistics and other marker properties |
_ibd |
Output data set listing the relationship matrix generated using the identical by descent estimate |
_ibs |
Output data set listing the relationship matrix generated using the identical by state estimate |
_igp |
Stacked output genotype probabilities SAS data set containing probabilities for each genotype at a SNP |
_igt |
Output genotype threshold SAS data set listing the most likely genotype for each SNP |
_ipm |
Output data set containing the proportion of missing genotypes |
_iqr |
Output data set containing the IQR standardized values for the input data set |
_isr_N |
Output data set for chromosome N in tall format with sample genotypes, IBS sharing count, and run statistics |
_iss |
Output data set with lengths and spans of runs across all chromosomes |
_ist |
Output data set containing association test statistics and .jsl file for plotting p-values |
_ist_sbg |
Output data set listing the number of significant markers for the selected association tests |
_itt |
Output data set |
_jnm |
Output data set containing SU normalized data |
_jnp |
Output data set listing the four estimated parameters for each array used to generate the SU normalized data |
_kc |
Output data set containing the compressed matrix |
_kcf |
Output data set containing the criteria for optimal compression level, the corresponding values, and number of clusters generated during the compression |
_kcv |
Output data set containing the covariance parameter estimates from every model fit during the compression |
_kmc |
Lists the center of each cluster and the corresponding statistics |
_kmd |
Lists the statistics for each observation, the cluster to which the observation has been assigned, and its distance from the cluster mean. |
_kmf |
Output data set containing KDMM scaling factor and total mapped reads for each sample |
_kml |
Output data set containing log-transformed KDMM normalized data |
_kmm |
Output data set containing KDMM normalized data |
_kmp |
Output data set containing A and M component, and kernel density, for each sample |
_kmx |
Output data set consisting of the input data modified to identify the parents of the different pedigrees and matrix statistics |
_knn |
Lists the statistics and associated predictions for each of the individuals in the input data set |
_knnv |
Lists the names of the variables selected and used for making predictions |
_ld |
.jsl file for displaying LD results |
_ldbb |
Output data set listing detailed LD block information (first and last marker and location, and block size and length) for every block in every chromosome |
_ldbc |
Output data set listing the name, location, LD block, and annotation information for each of the SNPs |
_ldbs |
Output data set listing Dprime, locus, distance, AbsDprime, and other information for every pair of markers |
_ldbs_N |
Output data set listing Dprime, locus, distance, AbsDprime, and other information for every pair of markers within annotation group variable N (for example, chromosome) |
_ldc |
Output data set containing LD measures used in the Contour Plot and/or the LD Decay plot |
_ldc_N |
Output data set containing LD measures used in the Contour Plot and/or the LD Decay plot, within annotation group variable N |
_ldm |
Output data set containing haplotype, frequency, D, correlation coefficient, Dprime, delta, and other statistics for each pair of markers |
_lds |
Output data set containing LD test statistics |
_lds_N |
Output data set containing LD test statistics within annotation group variable N |
_ldts |
Output data set containing tagSNP information |
_ldts_body |
.html output file summarizing the tagSNP information |
_len |
Output data set containing the list enrichment statistics |
_lgr |
Output data set containing all of the data from the input data set plus three additional columns. These include observation number, and two columns listing the predicted values for the dependent class variable. |
_lgrv |
Lists the names of the variables selected and used for making predictions |
_lite |
Output data set containing physical position, sample, chromosome, segment start and end, intensity information, and other statistics |
_lkmp |
Output data set containing marker name, linkage group, original and map order, distance, and other information |
_lmo |
Output data set containing marker name, linkage group, original and map order, distances, and other order statistics |
_lmr |
Output data set containing marker pairs, recombination rate, linkage group, locus, and other information |
_lnm |
Output data set containing the loess normalized data |
_lnp |
Output data set containing data used for drawing the M-A plots |
_lsm |
Output data set containing genotype LS means and differences |
_map |
Output data set containing annotation marker map information |
_mcp |
Output data set containing multiple-locus regression covariance estimates |
_mcpp |
Output data set containing PCA regression covariance estimates |
_mdf |
Output data set listing statics from the multidimensional scaling process |
_mdr |
Output data set listing the statistics for and distances between pairs of observations from the input data set |
_mds |
Output data set listing the multi-dimensional coordinates of each observation |
_mea |
Output data set containing the mean standardized values for the input data set |
_med |
_meds |
Output data set containing location and scale estimates used to median-center the input values |
_metadata |
Output metadata table. |
_mgs |
Output data set listing the counts of genotyped cases and controls, the number of missing genotypes for cases and controls, and the statistics for testing for different missing proportions between cases and controls for each marker |
_mgs_sbg |
Output data set listing the number of significant markers for missing test, for each value of the annotation group variable |
_mld |
.jsl file for creating plots and output data set containing estimates of LDU between pairs of markers |
_mml |
Output data set containing estimates for parameters M and L |
_mmp |
Output data set listing power values and associated t-statistics for a set of hypothesis tests for a range of alpha and effects sizes |
_mmr |
Lists annotation and statistical information for each of the groups |
_mmr_sig |
Output data set containing the significant differences |
_mnm |
Output data set with the same structure as the input data set but with both the original and the normalized response variables |
_mpe |
Output data set containing multiple-locus regression parameter estimates |
_mpep |
Output data set containing PCA regression parameter estimates |
_mrs |
Output residual data set |
_msd |
Output merged data set |
_mst |
Output data set containing association test statistics |
_mtr |
The output data set resulting from the merging of two sets sharing a common set of variables and the subsequent computation of an arbitrary function for each pair of variables sharing the same name |
_mta |
Output data set containing association test statistics and .jsl file for plotting p-values |
_mta_sbg |
Output data set listing the number of significant markers for the selected association tests |
_mvi |
The complete output data set in which values missing from the input data set have been imputed from the non-missing values in the same row |
_names |
Output data set containing names of markers |
_num |
Output data set containing numerically coded genotypes used in subsequent processes |
_numgeno |
Output data set containing numerically coded genotypes used for the cell plot |
_numgeno (by default, or other Prefix for Column Names specified) |
Output data set with recoded genotypes |
_one |
Output data set listing the results of the regression analysis and -log2 p-values for association of each of the markers with each of the two quantitative traits, along with annotation information for each of the markers |
_org |
Output data set containing residuals from genotype test |
_ort |
Output data set containing residuals from trend test |
_owa |
Output data set containing annotation data, and statistics on individual experiments and pair-wise comparisons |
_owa_sig |
Output data set containing the significant differences |
_pca |
Output data set listing the row scores for each of the principal components |
_pce |
Output data set containing EigenCorr statistics for PCs |
_pcm |
Output data set containing the PCA data merged into the input data set |
_peg |
Output data set containing the parameter estimates for the genotype test |
_pet |
Output data set containing the parameter estimates for the trend test |
_pi |
Output data set containing raw intensities and row statistics for the input data set |
_pla |
Output data set containing association test statistics for MANOVA and individual trait tests |
_pla_sbg |
Output data set listing the number of significant markers for the selected association tests |
_plr |
Output data set containing all of the data from the input data set plus three additional columns. These include observation number, and two columns listing the predicted values for the dependent class variable. |
_plrv |
Lists the names of the variables selected and used for making predictions |
_pls |
Lists the statistics and associated predictions for each of the individuals in the input data set |
_plsv |
Lists the statistics associated with the ability of each marker to be used as a predictor for the dependent class variable |
_pmd |
Output symmetric matrix of dissimilarities between specified groups within a study |
_pmf |
Output data set listing the individual F-statistics for each marker |
_pmg |
Output data set containing MANOVA test statistics for genotype test |
_pmo |
Output data set listing the overall F-statistics for the population |
_pmt |
Output data set containing MANOVA test statistics for trend test |
_pps |
Output data set listing each of the markers with selected annotation data and the resulting probabilities the markers are associated with the disease trait, given population stratification |
_pnm |
Output data set with the same structure as the input data set but with normalized response variables |
_prs |
Output data set listing pairs of samples having an identical-by-descent value exceeding a specified threshold |
_psc |
Output data set containing counts for categorical variables |
_psq |
Output data set containing counts for quantitative variables |
_ptr |
Output data set listing the input data that has been recursively partitioned to optimal splitting relationships as determined by the specified dependent and predictor variables |
_ptrv |
Lists the names of the variables selected and used for making predictions |
_pva |
Output data set containing the columns in the input data set with four additional columns listing the adjusted p-values for each set of observations |
_pvb |
Output data set containing the columns in the input data set with four additional columns listing the adjusted p-values for each set of observations |
_pvc |
Output data set containing the variance within each of the principal components that can be attributed to each of the variance components |
_pvc |
Output data set containing combined p-values |
_qcbp |
Output data set that is used to create a pseudoimage of the arrays |
_qkm |
Output data set containing association test statistics and .jsl file for plotting p-values |
_qnm |
Output data set containing the quantile normalized data |
_qnp |
Output data set containing the quantile normalized data along with relative rank of each observation and residual data |
_qtdt |
Output data set containing Q-TDT test statistics and .jsl file for plotting p-values |
_qtdt_sbg |
Output data set listing the number of significant markers for the selected association tests |
_rai |
Output data set containing the log intensities of the input data |
_rar |
Output data set containing the log ratio of the two-channel input data |
_ratio |
Output data set containing a condensed version of the input experimental design data set, reorganized in terms of the variable defining the ratio |
_rbm |
Lists the statistics and associated predictions for each of the individuals in the input data set |
_rbmv |
Lists the names of the variables selected and used for making predictions |
_rm |
Data set containing the root matrix as computed by single value decomposition (SVD) appended to the input data set |
_rmg |
Output data with missing genotypes recoded to SAS missing values |
_rpf |
Output data set containing RPM scaling factor and total mapped reads for each sample |
_rpl |
Output data set containing log-transformed RPM normalized data |
_rpm |
Output data set containing RPM normalized data |
_rules |
Output data set containing overall worth and rules data |
_rva |
Output data set containing rare variant association test statistics |
_s2b |
Output data set containing the binned values for each variable |
_s2d |
Output data set containing the baseline-adjusted and corrected values |
_s2p |
Output data set identifying each peak found in each trace |
_s2p_det |
Output data set providing specific information (upper and lower boundaries, height, area, for example) for each peak identified in each trace |
_s2g |
Output data set listing trimmed input values |
_s3a |
Output data set listing the X and Y coordinates for each row with the Z values for each sample listed in a separate column |
_s3g |
Output data set listing the X and Y coordinates for each row with the Z values for each sample listed in a separate column |
_sbg |
Output data set listing the number of significant markers for the selected association tests |
__sbg |
Output data set listing the number of significant markers for the selected association tests |
_sdp |
Output data set |
_seq |
Output sequence data set |
_sfg |
Output data set containing survival function estimates for genotype test |
_sfs |
Output data set containing the estimated surface |
_sft |
Output data set containing survival function estimates for trend test |
_sgc |
Output data set |
_sgl |
Output data set |
_sma |
Output data set containing chromosome number and label, marker position and label, trait, effect, and several estimates and test statistics |
_sma_sbg |
Output data set listing the number of significant markers for the trend test |
_smc |
Output data set |
_snl |
Output data set |
_sp |
Output data set that lists single-probes not associated to any probeset |
_spmm |
Output data set listing mean survival times |
_spms |
Output data set listing survival functions corresponding to the training data set |
_spmt |
Output data set listing survival functions corresponding to the test data set |
_spmv |
Output data set listing the effects applied in the Cox model |
_sps |
Output data set that lists single-probe-sets not associated to any transcript cluster |
_sr |
The output data set resulting from the reordering/removal of markers or individuals from either a genotype or annotation data set |
_sr_d |
The output annotation data set containing excluded markers only |
_ssi |
Output data set containing SNP-SNP association test p-values |
_sst |
Output data set association test statistics |
_sst_sbg |
Output data set listing the number of significant markers for the selected association tests |
_sta |
Output data set containing association test statistics and .jsl file for plotting p-values |
_sta_sbg |
Output data set listing the number of significant markers for the selected association tests |
_stacked |
Output data set containing sample, chromosome, physical position, intensity, segment start and end, and other information |
_std |
Output data set with the same structure as the input data set but response variable values that have been standardized using one or more different methods |
_stk |
Output stacked data set |
_sub |
Output subset data set |
_sumrules |
Output data set containing sample, chromosome, and position columns |
_sumstats |
Output data set containing rules, intensity, and positioning columns |
_sva |
Output data set listing survival statistics |
_svd |
Output data set |
_tal |
The tall data set resulting from either the transposition of a wide data set or the unstacking of a stacked data set. Note: These processes also generate an associated EDDS. |
_tdt |
Output data set containing TDT statistics and .jsl file for plotting p-values |
_tdt_sbg |
Output data set listing the number of significant markers for the selected association tests |
_tdtt |
Output data set containing a pair of allelic transmission scores for each individual at each marker locus |
_tmf |
Output data set containing TMM scaling factor and total mapped reads for each sample |
_tml |
Output data set containing log-transformed TMM normalized data |
_tmm |
Output data set containing TMM normalized data |
_tmp |
Output data set containing MA plot data |
_tst |
Output data test data set containing the p-values for the test that the correlation equals zero |
_uqf |
Output data set containing upper quartile scaling factor and total mapped reads for each sample |
_uql |
Output data set containing log-transformed upper quartile normalized data |
_uqs |
Output data set containing upper quartile normalized data |
_vc |
Output data set containing variance component estimates computed from the principal components |
_vcp |
Output data set listing each of the markers with selected statistics for the chi-square statistics and p-values for the likelihood ratio test or the z-scores and p-values for the Wald test that test for linkage between each marker and the quantitative trait |
_vcp_sbg |
Output data set listing the number of significant markers for the selected test |
_vg |
Output data set listing the genetic sex of the individuals |
_vgs |
Output data set listing the genetic sex of the individuals, without the marker variables |
_wid |
The wide data set resulting from the transposition of a tall data set |
_z |
Output coordinates data set |