Suppose that you would like to view a table that contains counts for how many people in the survey own Japanese, European, and American cars, broken down by the size of the car. You want the table to look Height Variable Added.
Select Analyze > Tabulate.
Click country and drag it into the Drop zone for rows.
Suppose that you would like to see the mean (average) and the standard deviation of the age of people who own each size car. You want the table to look like Table Showing Mean and Standard Deviation by Age.
Start from Country and Size Added to the Table. Click age and drag it to the right of the size heading.
Click Mean and drag it over Sum.
Click Std Dev and drag it below Mean.
Suppose that you would prefer size to be on top, showing a crosstab layout. You want the table to look like Size on Top.
Start from Age, Mean, and Std Dev Added to the Table. Click on the size heading and drag it to the right of the table headings. See Moving size.
Moving size
Click on age and drag it under the Large Medium Small heading.
Select both Mean and Std Dev, and then drag them under the Large heading.