Use Define Factor Constraints to restrict the design space. Unless you have loaded a constraint or included one as part of a script, the None option is selected. To specify constraints, select one of the other options:
Specifies inequality constraints on linear combinations of factors. Only available for factors with a Role of Continuous or Mixture. See Specify Linear Constraints.
Note: When you save a script for a design that involves a linear constraint, the script expresses the linear constraint as a less than or equal to inequality (

Defines sets of constraints based on restricting values of individual factors. You can define both AND and OR constraints. See Use Disallowed Combinations Filter.
Defines disallowed combinations and other constraints as Boolean JSL expressions in a script editor box. See Use Disallowed Combinations Script.
Click Add to enter one or more linear inequality constraints.
This option uses an adaptation of the Data Filter to facilitate specifying disallowed combinations. For detailed information about using the Data Filter, see Local Data Filter in the Using JMP book.
Select factors from the Add Filter Factors list and click Add. Then specify the disallowed combinations by using the slider (for continuous factors) or by selecting levels (for categorical factors).
The red triangle options for the Add Filter Factors menu are those found in the Select Columns panel of many platform launch windows. See Column Filter Menu in the Using JMP book for additional details about the column selection menu.
To remove a single factor, select Delete from its red triangle menu.
A factor can appear in several OR groups. An occurrence of the factor in a specific OR group is referred to as an instance of the factor.
Blocks Display shows each level as a block.
List Display shows each level as a member of a list.
Single Category Display shows each level.
Check Box Display adds a check box next to each value.
Available only for categorical factors. Provides a text box beneath the factor name where you can enter a search string for levels of the factor. Press the Enter key or click outside the text box to perform the search. Once Find is selected, the following Find options appear in the red triangle menu:
Clear Find clears the results of the Find operation and returns the panel to its original state.
Match Case uses the case of the search string to return the correct results.
Contains searches for values that include the search string.
Does not contain searches for values that do not include the search string.
Starts with searches for values that start with the search string.
Ends with searches for values that end with the search string.
Enter the expression (Exp(X1) + 2*X2 < 0) & (X3 == 2) into the script window.