The Term Options management windows are four similar windows that enable you to manage the collections of stop words, recodes, phrases, and stem exceptions. Figure 11.148 shows the Manage Stop Words window. The Manage Phrases and Manage Stem Exceptions are identical to the Manage Stop Words window. The Manage Recodes window differs slightly. See Manage Recodes.
Figure 11.148 Manage Stop Words Window
The user library files are located in a TextExplorer directory. The location of this directory is based on your computer’s operating system:
Windows: "C:/Users/<username>/AppData/Roaming/SAS/JMP/TextExplorer/<lang>/"
Macintosh: "/Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/JMP/TextExplorer/<lang>/"
The master user library files are located in the TextExplorer directory itself. These files are not language-specific.
The project files are located in a TextExplorer folder in the project.
When you click OK, changes to the User, Project, and Column lists are saved to the user library, the project, and the column properties, respectively. Anything specified in the Local and Local Exceptions lists is saved only when you save the script of the Text Explorer report.
If saving Stop Words to the user library, the file is named stopwords.txt. If saving to a column property, the property is called “Stop Words”.
If saving Recodes to the user library, the file is named recodes.txt. If saving to a column property, the property is called “Recodes”.
If saving Phrases to the user library, the file is named phrases.txt. If saving to a column property, the property is called “Phrases”.
If saving Stem Exceptions to the user library, the file is named stemExceptions.txt. If saving to a column property, the property is called “Stem Exceptions”.

Help created on 10/11/2018