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Parametric Estimate - <Distribution Name> (one report appears for each distribution that you select in the Compare Distributions report)
Initially, the rows are sorted by AICc. To change the statistic used to sort the report, select Comparison Criterion from the Life Distribution red triangle menu. See Life Distribution Report Options for details about this option.
See Nonparametric Fit for more information about nonparametric estimates.
Opens a report where you can specify the value of parameters. Enter your fixed parameter values, select the appropriate check box, and then click Update. JMP re-estimates the other parameters, covariances, and profilers based on the new parameters, and shows them in the Fix Parameter report. A distribution profiler of the unconstrained model is shown below the distribution profiler for the fixed parameter model. For an example in a competing cause situation, see Specify a Fixed Parameter Model as a Distribution for a Cause.
For the Weibull distribution, the Fix Parameter option lets you select the Weibayes method. For an example, see Weibayes Estimates. The Weibayes option is not available for interval-censored data.
Provides a calculator that enables you to estimate the mean remaining life of a unit. In the Mean Remaining Life Calculator, enter a Time and press Enter to see the estimate. Click the plus sign to enter additional times. This calculator is available for the following distributions: Lognormal, Weibull, Loglogistic, Fréchet, Normal, SEV, Logistic, LEV, and Exponential.
From the Parametric Estimate - <Distribution Name> report outline, select Bayesian Estimates. This opens an outline called Bayesian Estimation - <Distribution Name>. The initial report is a control panel where you can specify the parameters for the priors and control aspects of the simulation.
Enables you to specify prior information about a quantile and the scale parameter (or Weibull β if the parametric fit is Weibull). The quantile is defined by the value next to Probability. The default Probability value is 0.10, but you can specify a value that corresponds to the quantile of interest. Specify information about the prior information in terms of Lower and Upper 99% limits on the range of each prior distribution. See Meeker and Escobar (1998). The initial values that are provided are estimates consistent with the MLEs. For details, see Prior Distributions for Bayesian Estimation.
The plot and confidence limits shown in the Quantile Profiler are obtained in a similar fashion. For a given Probability value p, the quantiles corresponding to p are calculated from the distributions associated with the posterior parameter values.
Note: By default, zero-failure data is analyzed using the Weibayes method. If you want to conduct a broader Bayesian analysis on zero-failure data, select File > Preferences > Platforms > Life Distribution and uncheck Weibayes Only for Zero Failure Data.
In the Estimate Probability calculator, enter a value for Time. Press Enter to see the estimates of failure probabilities, survival probabilities, and corresponding confidence intervals. To calculate multiple probability estimates, click the plus sign, enter another Time value in the box, and press Enter. Click the minus sign to remove the last entry.
In the Estimate Quantile report, enter a value for Failure Probability. Press Enter to see the quantile estimates and corresponding confidence intervals. To calculate multiple quantile estimates, click the plus sign, enter another Failure Probability value in the box, and press Enter. Click the minus sign to remove the last entry.

Help created on 3/19/2020