Note: Columns that you want to transpose must have the same data type. Also, if columns contain value labels, transposing uses the actual data values, not the value labels. (See Value Labels in The Column Info Window.)
Select Tables > Transpose.
Figure 6.15 Transpose Window
Highlight the column name(s) you want to transpose in the Select Columns box on the left.
Click Transpose Columns.
Click OK.
Highlight a column from the Select Columns box on the left.
The default column name is Label. You can specify an alternative name for the column using the Label column name option. Only one column is created for each distinct value in the label column. Therefore, if there are duplicate values in the label column, JMP creates only one column for the duplicated value using the value from the last duplicated row.
Click By.
Table 6.1 describes the rules that apply to transposing.
The column names in the transposed table are Row 1, Row 2, …, Row n where n is the number of rows in the original table.