dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Big Class.jmp" );
fm = dt << Fit Model(
	Y( :height ),
	Effects( :age, :sex, :weight, :age * :weight, :sex * :weight ),
	Personality( Standard Least Squares ),
	Emphasis( Effect Screening ),
obj = fm << Profiler(
	Confidence Intervals( 1 ),
	Desirability Functions( 1 ),
	Term Value( age( 12 ), sex( "F" ), weight( 105 ) )
Show( Profiler[1] << Get Desirability ); // show the limits before
Profiler[1] << (height << Response Limits(
	{Lower( 50, 0.066 ), Middle( 58, 0.7 ), Upper( 70, 0.95 ), Goal( Minimize ),
	Importance( 1 )}
Wait( 0.1 ); // for demonstration purposes
Show( Profiler[1] << Get Desirability ); // show the limits after

Help created on 7/12/2018