Same as Make Data Table, but also searches the report for report tables with the same columns and combine all of these into the new data table.
Puts the column specified with from column index in the place of the column specified with to column index. The indexes are 0-based. For example, indicate the first column with “0”, and indicate the second column with “1”.
New Window( "Mountains",
	tb = Table Box(
		String Col Edit Box(
			{"K2", "Delphi", "Kilimanjaro",
			"Grand Teton"}
		Number Col Edit Box(
			"Elevation (meters)",
			{8611, 681, 5895, 4199}
		Plot Col Box( "", {8611, 681, 5895, 4199} )
tb <<
Set Cell Changed Function(
	Function( {this, col, row},
			(col << Get Heading) || ": row:" ||
			Char( 3 ) || " is now " ||
			Char( col << Get( row ) )
Locks the first n columns. You cannot drag the locked columns or drag columns before them.
If the rows of the table box are selectable (Set Selectable Rows(True)), sets the background color for the selected rows.

Help created on 7/12/2018