On Windows, if you want to record output to the graphics window, send the following R code using R Submit( ).
windows.options( record = TRUE );
R Init();
X = {"Character", "JMP", "List"};
R Send( X );
R Submit( "class(X)" );
/* R output is:
[1] "list"
R Submit( "Y<-unlist(X)
class(Y)" );
/* Object Y is now a character vector. The R output is:
[1] "character"
R Term();
In the following example, the list that is created in R has two elements named x and y that are created using the List() function of R. When your bring the R list into JMP and then send it back to R, the names are lost. Therefore in R, you cannot access the first matrix using pts$x. Instead, you must use the index using pts[[1]].
R Init();
R Submit("
pts <- list(x=cars[,1], y=cars[,2])
JMP_pts = R Get( pts );
R Send( JMP_pts );
R Submit("
Summary( JMP_pts )
R Term();