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Using JMP > Create Formulas in JMP
Publication date: 09/28/2021

Create Formulas in JMP

Formula Editor

Use the JMP Formula Editor to create a column whose values are computed by a formula and store that formula as part of a column’s information. Formulas can be simple assignments of numeric, character, or row state constants, or they can contain complex evaluations based on conditional clauses. The Formula Editor window operates like a calculator with buttons, displays, and a list of functions.

For more information about the functions that are available in the Formula Editor, see Reference for JMP Functions in Formulas.

Figure 7.1 The Formula Editor 

The Formula Editor


Overview of Formulas

Build Formulas

Refer to Data Table Values in Formulas

Use Local Variables in Formulas

Incorporate Parameters in Formulas

Insert Constants in Formulas

Add Operators to JMP Formulas

Keypad Reference for the Formula Editor

Use Functions in Formulas

Find Frequently Used Functions in the Formula Editor

Copy and Replicate Formulas

Order Expressions in Formulas

Build a Formula in Order of Precedence

JMP Formula Editor Options

Calculate Derivatives of JMP Functions
Simplify Complex Formulas
Evaluate Formulas
Ignore Errors in Formulas
View Formulas in JSL

Edit Formulas

Correct Mistakes in Formulas
Select Expressions in Formulas
Delete Functions Formulas
Cut, Copy, and Paste Formulas
Click and Drag Formulas

Customize Formulas in the JMP Formula Editor

Hide and Show Outlines Formulas
Change the Font Size Formulas
Specify the Matrix Size Formulas
Change the Orientation of a JMP Formula
Open and Close Arguments Formulas

Examples of Building Formulas in the JMP Formula Editor

Use Basic Features in the JMP Formula Editor
Use Local Variables Formulas
Use the Munger Function Formulas
Use the Match Conditional Function Formulas
Use the Delete Expression Button Formulas

Keyboard Shortcuts for the JMP Formula Editor

Glossary of Terms for the JMP Formula Editor

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