Launch the Degradation platform by selecting Analyze > Reliability and Survival > Degradation. Figure 7.3 shows the Degradation launch window using the GaAs data table (located in the Reliability folder). For more information about the options in the Select Columns red triangle menu, see Column Filter Menu in Using JMP.
Figure 7.3 The Degradation Launch Window
The launch window is split into three tabs, representing three different types of analyses:
Repeated Measures Degradation
Performs linear or nonlinear degradation analysis. This option allows only one Y, Response variable. It does not allow censoring.
Destructive Degradation
Choose this type of analysis if units are destroyed during the measurement process. This option allows censoring. See Destructive Degradation.
Note: The Destructive Degradation platform provides a flexible collection of predefined models for destructive testing. See Destructive Degradation.
Stability Test
Performs a stability analysis for setting pharmaceutical product expiration dates. This option allows only one Y, Response variable. See Stability Analysis.
The launch window contains the following options:
Y, Response
Assign the column with degradation measurements.
Assign the column containing the time values.
(Available only in the Repeated Measures Degradation and Destructive Degradation tabs.) Assign an explanatory variable. Use this role to specify the accelerating factor in an accelerated degradation model.
Label, System ID
(Available only in the Repeated Measures Degradation and Stability Test tabs.) Assign the column that designates the unit IDs.
Assign a column giving a frequency for each row.
(Available only in the Destructive Degradation tab.) Assign a column that designates if a unit is censored.
Assign a variable to produce an analysis for each level of the variable.
Censor Code
(Available only in the Destructive Degradation tab.) Specify the value in the Censor column that designates right-censored observations. After a Censor column is selected, JMP attempts to automatically detect the censor code and display it in the box. To change this, you can click the red triangle and select from a list of values. You can also enter a different value in the box. If the Censor column contains a Value Labels column property, the value labels appear in the list of values. Missing values are excluded from the analysis.
Upper Spec Limit
Assign an upper specification limit. (Optional except for Stability Test tab.)
Lower Spec Limit
Assign a lower specification limit. (Optional except for Stability Test tab.)
Censoring Time
(Available only in the Repeated Measures Degradation and Stability Test tabs.) Assign a Time value that represents censoring of pseudo failures when you use Inverse Prediction. See Inverse Prediction.