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Quality and Process Methods > Control Chart Builder > Additional Examples of Control Chart Builder > XBar and S Charts with Varying Subgroup Sizes Example
Publication date: 11/10/2021

XBar and S Charts with Varying Subgroup Sizes Example

This example uses the data table. This quality characteristic of interest is the Weight 2 column.

1. Select Help > Sample Data Library and open Quality Control/

2. Select Analyze > Quality and Process > Control Chart Builder.

3. Drag Weight 2 to the Y role.

4. Drag Sample to the Subgroup role (at bottom).

Figure 3.20 XBar and S Charts for Varying Subgroup SizesĀ 

XBar and S Charts for Varying Subgroup Sizes

Weight 2 has several missing values in the data, so the chart has uneven limits. Although each sample has the same number of observations, samples 1, 3, 5, and 7 each have a missing value.

Instead of viewing a line connecting the averages of each sample, you can switch to viewing box plots at each sample.

5. In the Points[1] outline, deselect the Show Connected Line option.

6. In the Points[1] outline, select the Box Plots option.

Figure 3.21 XBar and S Chart with Box PlotsĀ 

XBar and S Chart with Box Plots

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