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Scripting Guide > Scripting Graphs > Hover Labels > Add Rich Text to Hover Labels Using Textlets
Publication date: 09/20/2024

Add Rich Text to Hover Labels Using Textlets

A textlet adds richly formatted text to the hover label in a JMP graph. You might use a textlet to describe data in an explanatory paragraph or to emphasize important information by making it bold or applying a color.

The textlet in Figure 12.39 shows text that is formatted in a gray box with red text.

Figure 12.39 Textlet Example 

Textlet Example

The following script creates the textlet shown in Figure 12.39.

Names Default To Here( 1 );
dt = Open( "$SAMPLE_DATA/Diabetes.jmp" );
// create the baseline visualization
gb = dt << Graph Builder(
	Size( 534, 456 ),
	Show Control Panel( 0 ),
	Variables( X( :Age ), Y( :LDL ), Overlay( :Y Ordinal ) ),
	Elements( Points( X, Y, Legend( 8 ) ), Line Of Fit( X, Y, Legend( 10 ) ) )
// get a handle to the graph frame box
rpt = gb << Report;
frame = rpt[Framebox( 1 )];
/* configure the textlet -- a hover label extension that adds
	a rich text paragraph to the hover label. */
frame << Set Textlet(
    /* "Setup" is a JSL fragment that uses Hover Label Execution Contect
		variables to define content that will be embedded in the
		rich text paragraph.*/
		// map numerical values to text
		local:gender = If( Column( local:_dataTable, "Gender" )[local:_firstRow]
			== "1",
		// map a categorical value to text color
		local:color = Match( local:_Y Ordinal,
			"Low", "Medium Dark Blue",
			"Medium", "Medium Dark Red",
			"High", "Medium Dark Green"
		// capture values from other columns for the current row
		local:progression = Column( local:_dataTable, "Y" )[local:_firstRow];
		local:BMI = Column( local:_dataTable, "BMI" )[local:_firstRow];
	/* markup defines the rich text template. It supports HTML-like markup such as bold, italic and other font tags. Variable references between braces ({}) are substituted with their actual value. */
		"{local:gender} patient, {local:_age} years old, {local:BMI} BMI,
		has <font color='{local:color}'><b>{local:_Y Ordinal}</b></font>
		disease progression (<i>{local:progression}</i>)"
// pin a hover label to display a textlet-created rich text paragraph.
frame << Add Pin Annotation(
	Seg( Marker Seg( 2 ) ),
	Index( 64 ),
	Index Row( 344 ),
	UniqueID( 568154464 ),
	FoundPt( {96, 222} ),
	Origin( {18.68125, 156.93706122449} ),
	Tag Line( 1 )

Texlet Commands

See the example in Add Rich Text to Hover Labels Using Textlets for more information about writing texlet expressions.


Setup() defines variables used in the rich text that is displayed on the hover label.

frame << Set Textlet(
    /* "Setup" is a JSL fragment that uses Hover Label Execution Contect
		variables to define content that will be embedded in the
		rich text paragraph.*/
		// map numerical values to text
		local:gender = If( Column( local:_dataTable, "Gender" )[local:_firstRow]
			== "1",
		// map a categorical value to text color
		local:color = Match( local:_Y Ordinal,
			"Low", "Medium Dark Blue",
			"Medium", "Medium Dark Red",
			"High", "Medium Dark Green"
		// capture values from other columns for the current row
		local:progression = Column( local:_dataTable, "Y" )[local:_firstRow];
		local:BMI = Column( local:_dataTable, "BMI" )[local:_firstRow];

In the interface, Setup is called “JSL Variables” on the Textlets Markup tab.


Markup() specifies a rich text paragraph template based on a subset of HTML tags. Can contain JSL variable references enclosed in delimiters. The default delimiters are braces ({}).

	"{local:gender} patient, {local:_age} years old, {local:BMI} BMI,
	has <font color='{local:color}'><b>{local:_Y Ordinal}</b></font>
	disease progression (<i>{local:progression}</i>)"

In the interface, Markup is called “HTML Markup” on the Textlets Markup tab.

See “Supported HTML Tags in Textlets” in Using JMP for more information about the supported font formatting tags.


Delimiters() specifies the delimiters that indicate variables for replacement in the Markup area. For example, you might use square bracket delimiters for JMP variables if the script contains C++ code.

Delimiters( "[]" )

In the interface, Delimiters is on the Textlets Other tab.


Width() enables you to specify a preferred width in pixels for the hover label.

Width( 300 )

In the interface, Width is on the Textlets Other tab.

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