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Multivariate Methods > Structural Equation Models > Customize the Path Diagram
Publication date: 09/20/2024

Image shown hereCustomize the Path Diagram

You can customize the structural equation model path diagram in many ways. Most of the customization options are in one or both of the following places: the pop-up menu in the path diagram and the Customize Diagram Appearance window.

Path Diagram Pop-Up Menu Options

Options to Customize the Path Diagram

Image shown herePath Diagram Pop-Up Menu Options

The path diagram pop-up menu appears when you right-click in the path diagram itself. The specific set of options that are available in the menu depends on where you right-click in the diagram and if there are any elements of the path diagram selected when you right-click.


Contains options to make selections in the From and To Lists, add unidirectional and bidirectional arrows to the diagram, create new latent variables, hide selected items, and show all hidden items. Many of the options in this submenu are not enabled until you select items in the path diagram.

Tip: When items in the path diagram are hidden, an Unhide All button appears at the top of the path diagram that enables you to show all hidden items.


Contains options to show or hide various elements of the path diagram. Select Show Default to return to the original set of shown elements.

Note: The Show Default option does not affect the setting of the Show Means/Intercepts option.

For path diagrams in fitted model reports, this submenu also contains options for changing which estimates appear on the arrows in the path diagram. You can choose between showing the unstandardized parameter estimates, the standardized parameter estimates, or no estimates.

Select All of This Type

(Available only when you right-click an item in the path diagram.) Selects all other items in the path diagram that are the same type as the item that you right-clicked.

Select Latent Group(s)

(Available only when you right-click on a latent variable item in the path diagram.) Selects the entire group of items associated with the selected latent variables. If no latent variables are selected, this option selects only the group of items associated with the latent variable that you right-clicked.

Rename Variable

(Available only when you right-click on a latent variable item in the path diagram.) Enables you to change the name of the latent variable in the path diagram.

Note: When you rename a latent variable in the path diagram, the name is updated in the From and To Lists.

Add Regression(s)

(Available only when you right-click on a variable in the path diagram.) Enables you to add a unidirectional arrow that represents a regression between the variable that you right-clicked and another variable in the path diagram. When you select this option, click the variable where you want the arrow to point.

Add Covariance(s)

(Available only when you right-click on a variable in the path diagram.) Enables you to add a bidirectional arrow that represents a covariance between the variable that you right-clicked and another variable in the path diagram. When you select this option, click the variable where you want the arrow to point.

Customize Diagram

Launches the Customize Diagram Appearance window. See Options to Customize the Path Diagram.

Rotate Latent Groups

Rotates latent variable indicators clockwise in 90-degree angle increments for the selected latent variables in the path diagram. If no latent variables are selected, this option rotates all latent variable indicators in the path diagram.


Enables you to select one of two arrangement options for the items in the path diagram.

Copy Diagram

Saves an image of the path diagram to the clipboard. To retain the highest possible quality, paste the clipboard image as a vector graphic.

Copy Diagram Properties

Copies the current path diagram properties to the clipboard. You can then paste the properties into another SEM path diagram.

Paste Diagram Properties

Pastes the path diagram properties from the clipboard into the current SEM path diagram.


Undoes the last change to the path diagram.


Redoes the last undone change to the path diagram.


Contains standard options for graphs in JMP. For more information about these options, see “JMP Reports” in Using JMP.

Reset Layout

Resets the path diagram to the original settings.

Image shown hereOptions to Customize the Path Diagram

The Customize Diagram Appearance window appears when you click the customize button in the Diagram panel, select Customize Diagram from the red triangle menu, or select Customize Diagram from the path diagram pop-up menu. The Customize Diagram Appearance window contains four panels as well as a drop-down menu that enables you to select from two preset color themes.

Theme Preset

Contains options for preset color themes. You can choose between a Black and White theme or a Blue theme. Select one of these to quickly update the settings to follow either theme.

Variable Appearance

Contains options for setting the fill color, border color, text color, and size of the items in the path diagram. You can set the appearance for manifest, latent, and constant variables, as well as the font for each of these items.

Path Settings

Contains options for the appearance of the arrows. You can set the thickness and transparency to fixed values or base them on the standardized estimates for each path arrow. You can also represent non-significant p-values with dashed lines, set the α level for non-significance, and change the color and font associated with the arrows. By default, the thickness of the arrows is fixed and the transparency of the arrows is proportional to the standardized parameter estimates.

Other Settings

Contains the following options:

Enable Grid

Shows or hides a grid in the path diagram that can be used to help align items in the diagram.

Lock Diagram

Locks or unlocks the placement of items in the path diagram. When the path diagram is locked, you cannot drag items around and the Lock indicator at the top of the path diagram is highlighted.

Show Means/Intercepts

Shows or hides the means and intercepts in the path diagram. The mean structure is not displayed in the path diagram by default.

Show Latent Indicators

Shows or hides the latent indicators in the path diagram.

Show Regressions

Shows or hides the arrows for regressions in the path diagram.

Show Variances

Shows or hides the arrows for variances in the path diagram.

Show Covariances

Shows or hides the arrows for covariances in the path diagram.

Show Equality Constraints

Shows or hides equality constraints in the path diagram.

Show R Squared Values

Shows or hides R2 values for each node in the path diagram.

Show Constant Mean Square

Shows or hides the arrows for constants in the path diagram.

Fill Nodes with R Squared

Shows or hides a fill coloring for each node in the path diagram that corresponds to the R2 value for each node.


Contains a preview of the path diagram appearance based on your current settings in the window.

Tip: Use the Save to Preferences button at the bottom of the Customize Diagram Appearance window to save the current settings in the window to your platform preferences so that future path diagrams use the same settings.

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