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Quality and Process Methods > CUSUM Control Charts > CUSUM Control Chart Platform Options
Publication date: 09/20/2024

CUSUM Control Chart Platform Options

The CUSUM Control Chart red triangle menu contains the following options:

Show Limits

Shows or hides the upper and lower decision limits in the CUSUM Chart.

Show Center Line

Shows or hides the center line in the CUSUM Chart.

Show Shift Lines

(Available only when there is a shift detected in the data.) Shows or hides the vertical lines in the CUSUM Chart that designate shifts. Shift lines are drawn at the start of a shift.

A positive shift occurs when the value of C+ exceeds the upper limit on the chart. The start of the shift is defined as the first point after the most recent zero value for C+.

A negative shift occurs when the value of C- falls below the lower limit on the chart. The start of the shift is defined as the first point after the most recent zero value for C-.

Show ARL

Shows or hides the Average Run Length (ARL) report. See Average Run Length (ARL) Report.

ARL Profiler

Shows or hides a profiler of average run length versus the parameters h and k. If you have specified the Data Units option in the launch window, the profiler plots average run length versus the parameters H and K.

The average run length (ARL) for a specified shift is the average number of runs expected before an out-of-control signal occurs. For example, the ARL at 0 represents the average number of runs expected before a false-alarm signal occurs when the process is in control. When the process is in control, the shift size is 0.

The ARL Profiler enables you to explore how various settings of the parameters affect the performance of the corresponding CUSUM chart. As the parameters in the Control Panel are updated, the ARL Profiler is updated as well. An ideal CUSUM chart has a high ARL(0) value and a low ARL(Δ) value, where Δ is the size shift that is of interest.

The ARL Profiler depends on the settings of the Upper Side and Lower Side options in the Control Panel:

If both the Upper Side and Lower Side options are selected, the profiler represents the average run length for crossing either the upper or lower decision limits on the CUSUM chart.

If only the Upper Side option is selected, the profiler represents the average run length for the upper decision limit on the CUSUM chart.

If only the Lower Side option is selected, the profiler represents the average run length for the lower decision limit on the CUSUM chart.

For more information about the options in the red triangle menu next to ARL Profiler, see “Profiler” in Profilers.

Control Panel

Shows or hides a report that contains the current values of the parameters. This report enables you to change the parameter values as well as the sidedness of the CUSUM chart.

Parameters Report

Shows or hides a report that contains the current values of the parameters.

Save Summaries

Creates a new data table that contains statistics for each subgroup in the CUSUM chart. The following statistics are saved to the new data table: the subgroup number and size, the subgroup sample mean, the value of the Sigma parameter, an indicator of shift starts, a value that indicates each interval between shift starts, an indicator of test failures, the upper and lower cumulative sums and corresponding consecutive run counts, and the LCL and UCL values.

Get Limits

Retrieves the control limits that are stored in an open or saved data table.

Save Limits

Saves the control limits in one of the following ways:

in Column

Saves a Control Limits column property in the existing data table for the Y variable. The column property contains the value of the target used in the CUSUM chart.

in New Table

Saves the values of H, K, the standard deviation, mean, and head start into a new data table.

Save Sigma

Saves the value of the Sigma parameter to a Sigma column property in the Y variable column in the data table.

Test Beyond Limits

Shows or hides a red circle around any point that is above the upper limit or below the lower limit in the CUSUM chart.

Tune Chart

Shows or hides a control that enables you to set the value of the k parameter by specifying an acceptable range for the Y variable. Adjust the minimum and maximum values of the acceptable range and click Done. At this point, the CUSUM chart updates based on a new value of the k parameter.

If you specified the Data Units option in the launch window, the imputed k parameter is the average of the minimum and maximum values.

If the Data Units option is not specified, the imputed K parameter is the average of the minimum and maximum values divided by the Sigma parameter.

Setting the acceptable range for the Y variable enables you to set the practical significance of the CUSUM chart. This is particularly helpful when the testing interval is more frequent, which can result in a much shorter practical average run length.

Reset to Defaults

Resets all parameters back to their default values.

Alarm Script

Enables you to write and run a script that indicates when the data fail special causes tests. Results can be written to a file, written to the log or sent in an email. There is an option to include an explanation of why the test failed.

As an Alarm Script is invoked, the following variables are available, both in the issued script and in subsequent JSL scripts:

qc_col is the name of the column

qc_test is the test that failed

qc_sample is the sample number

Tip: After an alarm script is specified, the alarm script is invoked when the Test Beyond Limits option is turned on.

See “Run Alarm Scripts” in the Scripting Guide for more information about writing custom Alarm Scripts.

See “Redo Menus in JMP Reports”, “Group Platform”, and “Save Script Menus in JMP Reports” in Using JMP for more information about the following options:


Contains options that enable you to repeat or relaunch the analysis. In platforms that support the feature, the Automatic Recalc option immediately reflects the changes that you make to the data table in the corresponding report window.

Platform Preferences

Contains options that enable you to view the current platform preferences or update the platform preferences to match the settings in the current JMP report.

Save Script

Contains options that enable you to save a script that reproduces the report to several destinations.

Save By-Group Script

Contains options that enable you to save a script that reproduces the platform report for all levels of a By variable to several destinations. Available only when a By variable is specified in the launch window.

Note: Additional options for this platform are available through scripting. Open the Scripting Index under the Help menu. In the Scripting Index, you can also find examples for scripting the options that are described in this section.

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