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Using JMP > Import Your Data > Import Data from SAS > Import SAS Data Sets
Publication date: 09/20/2024

Import SAS Data Sets

SAS data sets are saved in one of many SAS formats:

Windows supported formats are .sas7bdat and .sas7bxat.

Apple macOS supports reading and writing .sas7bdat files.

Windows and Apple macOS support reading and writing .xpt files

When you open a data set in JMP, the file opens as a data table. JMP uses SAS variable names as column names by default. To use variable labels in a specific file on Windows, select the option when you open the file (see step 5 below).

The following ISO date formats are supported for .sas7bdat files: B8601DA, B8601DN, B8601DT, B8601DZ, B8601LZ, B8601TM, B8601TZ, E8601DA, E8601DN, E8601DT, E8601DZ, E8601LZ, E8601TM, E8601TZ, and IS8601DA. If the date format is not supported, the data is imported with the Scientific Notation format.

The following date formats are supported for .xpt files: BEST, DATE, DATETIME,DAY, MMDDYY, DOWNAME, HHMM,HOUR, TIME,YYMMDD, DDMMYY, MMSS, DTDATE, IS8601DA, E8601DA,PERCENT, and DOLLAR.

To open a SAS data set from JMP:

1. Select File > Open.

2. (Windows only) Select SAS Data Sets from the list next to File name as shown in Figure 3.50.

Note: SAS variable names and formats are preserved and can be saved after changes are made to the SAS data set. See “Save JMP Data as a SAS Data Set”.

3. Select the file.

Figure 3.50 Open SAS Data Set 

Open SAS Data Set

Note: To select the columns to import, click the arrow on the Open button and select Select columns.

4. (Optional) Select any of the following options:

SAS variable labels

Uses the SAS variable labels (instead of variable names) as the column names in the JMP data table.

SAS variable names

Uses the SAS variable names (instead of the labels) as the column names in the JMP data table.

5. (Optional on Windows) Select any of the following options:

Apply table and column properties from SAS 9.4 extended attributes

If the SAS server supports extended attributes (SAS 9.4), includes the extended attributes when storing JMP metadata. This setting overrides the SAS 9.4 Extended Attributes preference on the Third Party Data page.

Select this filter the next time this window is invoked

Sets the default file type choice to the option that you select next to the File name list If selected, the default file type will be SAS Data Sets the next time you reach this window.

6. (Optional) Select any of the following for a SAS Transport (.xpt) file:

Select member

Lets you enter the name of a specific member, or table, for JMP to open. On Apple macOS, select Member Tables > Specified and then enter the name.

Open all members

Opens all members, or tables, in the transport file. On Apple macOS, select Member Tables > All.

Save all members

Saves the file as a JMP file as soon as you open it. The file is saved to the same directory where the SAS transport file was opened. On Apple macOS, the option is Save all.

Select columns

Tells JMP to open only certain columns from the transport file. Select the columns that you want to import from the list that appears. On Apple macOS, the option is Select columns before opening.

7. Click Open.

Note: If you are importing date variables from a SAS file, JMP looks for a SAS date format and translates it to a JMP date column.

Open Password-Protected Data Sets

JMP can open SAS version 7 or higher data sets that are password protected. The passwords are not case sensitive.

To open password-protected data sets

1. Select File > Open.

2. Select SAS Data Sets from the Files of type list.

3. Select the file.

4. Click Open.

5. Enter the password and then click OK.

When the password is incorrect, you are prompted to enter it again until you get it right.

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