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Basic Analysis > Oneway Analysis > Launch the Oneway Platform
Publication date: 09/20/2024

Launch the Oneway Platform

Launch the Oneway platform by selecting Analyze > Fit Y by X. The Fit Y by X launch window is used for four different types of analyses. When you enter a continuous Y variable and a categorical nominal or ordinal X variable, the Oneway platform is launched. A report for each combination of X and Y variables is launched.

Figure 6.4 The Oneway Launch Window 

The Oneway Launch Window

For more information about the options in the Select Columns red triangle menu, see “Column Filter Menu” in Using JMP. The Oneway launch window contains the following options:

Y, Response

The response variable or variables that you want to analyze. These variables must have a numeric data type.

X, Factor

The predictor variable or variables that you want to analyze. These variables must have a nominal or ordinal data type.


A column that specifies a blocking variable. When this column is used, the values of the Y variable are centered by the Block variable. If there are equal counts in each block by group cell, the available Oneway platform options are for a two-way analysis. If there are unequal counts in the block by group cells, a mixed model is fit and a homogeneity of variance test is provided. In JMP Pro, the mixed model details that are shown enable additional interpretation and tests of means.


A column containing a weight for each observation in the data table. A row is included in the analyses only when its value is greater than zero.


Assigns a frequency to each row in the analysis. Assigning a frequency is useful when your data are summarized.


Produces a separate report for each level of the By variable. If more than one By variable is assigned, a separate report is produced for each possible combination of the levels of the By variables.

Data Format

In the Oneway platform, your data can consist of columns of unsummarized or summarized data:

Unsummarized data

There is one row for each observation and columns for X and Y values.

Summarized data

Each row represents a set of observations with common X and Y values. The data table must contain a frequency column of the counts of observations for each row. Enter this column as Freq in the launch window.

When one-way data are in a format other than a JMP data table, sometimes they are arranged so that a row contains information for multiple observations. To analyze the data in JMP, you must import the data and restructure it so that each row of the JMP data table contains information for a single observation. See Example of Stacking Data for a Oneway Analysis.

Note: The Fit Y by X launch window accommodates columns with continuous, ordinal, and nominal data types. The Oneway platform is launched for all pairs of continuous Y, Response columns and nominal or ordinal X, Factor columns. The Fit Y by X launch window launches the Bivariate, Contingency, or Logistic platforms for other column type combinations.

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